don't hit the green add friend , or just hit the red remove friend this is wrong but to manually add a friend it should look something like
Unless you didn't click the button, by which a new glitch has been found. I'll drop ulimited a link.
Ulimitedpower, for my full name. And that makes me sound like a computer.
I'd do what Graham said and don't check the add friend button if you did. If not, do the manual way of removing the person by clicking on the new icon.
I might add this to the list if I get more detail, as although the idea seems clear, I don't know if we are getting the wrong impression. Please add more info.
thanks for all your help guys, and sorry i couldn't reply fast, my internet keeps switching IP Address so my computer cant access the net...
but seriously, i didn't touch the 'add a friend' button... first i stare at some guy who has Armor Point way higher than mine, then when I go back to my profile he becomes my friend. at first, i thought i accidentally made him my friend but this already happened to 5 people i viewed profile with... fst6, Raxel,some guy i forgot, etc...
at first i said "cool, this guy became my friend", but i found out i was quite wrong when that person was my friend, but he isnt my friend. is it somekind of glitch or something, or is there somekind of settings im missing?