a person ask me for more ASCII's! here are the old and the new whan's. all made by my self. have a idea? post it here and maybe i will make a ascii off it!
I like the revolver the best. The flower needs detail on the petals somehow.
The revolver is really good.
Nice ones. It took me awhile to find out what the nuke one was though.
The flower needs detail on the petals somehow.
nuke explosion = mushroom cloud.that doesn't look too much like a mushroom cloud.
yeah with that nuke, it was to difficult to make detail in the explosion!
I used to have a ton of Ascii on my Profile.
any idea's for it, than i will make it!
____ _____ ______________ ____ ____ ______ / _ | / ___// ____/ _/ _/ / _ | / __ \\/_ __/ / /_| | \\__ \\/ / / / / / / /_| | / /_/ / / / / /__| | __/ / /___ / / / / / /__| |/ / / / / //_/ |_/____/\\____/___/___/ /_/ |_/_/ |_| /_/I made that if you don't mind me posting it. It's noobish I know.
Wow very cool art, you could make a game with just that...that would be awesome !
I have one but it'd be inappropriate XD
You should have a merit for this maybe...
What can you make that is inappropriate?
My 3 simple ASCII are: 8==D-- , o|o and (oYo)
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