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hell has broken loose over the world. disease, death, and destruction have ravaged everything it can reach. in a world of violence, you live to survive. so kill or be killed.

there are five classes, chemical, biological, psychological, radiological, and ballistic. chemical focuses on using chemical agents to chemically alter enemies in horrific ways. summon toxic gases and wreak havoc. biological focuses on using diseases. give people cancer at the flick of a wrist, make deadly mushroom's grow from an enemie's flesh, and pursue other methods of disease killing. psychological focuses on controlling your enemy and damaging him mentally. control victims and force them against their allies, and make any enemy your puppet. radiological focuses on using radiation against enemies. you are immune to all forms of radiation, you can make small mushroom clouds at will, and you can use small atomic weapons to bring about utter annihilation. the ballistic class focuses on using bullets and guns. just your typical soldier or marine.

character sheet:


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