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1,532 posts

I was gone all last week on a vacation to Tombstone arizona. Many of you have probably seen the movie (Val kilmer, kurt russel, go rent it if you havent its a great movie) Anyways, i took plenty tours and read enough books. In the 1800s prostitution became a great buisness moneywise, in almost every city. It was perfectly legal than, and required a buiness license to continue the only womans oldest profession. What im asking though, is it right? Its legal in nevada, maybe some other places in the U.S. It was a successful buisness because of all the mining cities, 1 woman for every 100 men in most boomtowns, and many men were left sexual dry. Prostitutes were a way for men to complete these needs.

Should it be legal? Why or why not? Look at it from a religous view if you want, though i know all you christians (including mysef) already know the answer. But in this century should it be legal?

  • 118 Replies
4,206 posts

idk...i won't say its that bad or good....if mans want prostitutes, then sure, if not k idk...

4,871 posts

Well..thats actually a pretty hard question. I believe that it's definitely wrong and it's one of the things in this world that fuel sexism. However the only real reason I can see for it being illegal is the rampant spread of STD's it creates.

5,579 posts

However the only real reason I can see for it being illegal is the rampant spread of STD's it creates.

Hence weekly STD checkups. End that problem right then and there.

I think it should be legal. No reason it shouldn't be. But we're a puritan christian country, so don't hope on it anytime soon.

(Dam settlers. . . .)
3,550 posts




Don't you just love the non-PG 13 World Events, Politics, and Religion section?

Well prostitution is bad in my opinion. It spreads STD's. And well it is just wrong. Having sex to earn money. It deos earn money, I'll give it that. But it's just plain wrong. And against some things I barely stand for. Like, no pre-marital sex. And If you are going to sleep with somebody please to God let it be your Wife/Husband. You have no Idea what those women/men do with there body parts. *shiver*
1,310 posts

However the only real reason I can see for it being illegal is the rampant spread of STD's it creates.

Well prostitution is bad in my opinion. It spreads STD's.

Actually it being illegal is what causes rampant spread of STDs. In the legalized brothels of Nevada, there are checks performed on clients before the services available, the girls have regular tests to ensure they're clean of both drugs & diseases, and above & beyond that, there is no sexual interaction without appropriate precautions being taken. Why? Simply put, it's the law.

With prostitution being illegal in most places, there are no laws to govern the workers being tested, and protected by security to make sure that they aren't being hurt by their clients. And lets be honest, just because it's illegal does *not* stop people from doing it - which means that illegalized prostitution increases the spread of STDs far more then it would if it was legal.

Now - for the religious argument of prostitution being bad, or sex outside of marriage being bad - I'm perfectly fine with someone who says that they are against prostitution because it does not coincide with their religion, but I also don't feel that people who are religious should be making those kinds of decisions for people who aren't religious, or for those people whose religions don't prohibit them from participating in such activities. So, in essence, if it's against your religion, don't do it - but don't tell people who don't share your views not to. It's their own buisness. I wouldn't walk into your church and tell you how to worship god or try and change your rules.

So - legalizing prostitution. I'm for it, and to wrap it up in some tidy bullet points, here's why:

- Cuts down on STDs
- The workers have far greater security from rape/violence
- The clients aren't capable of running out without paying the bill
- It helps to eliminate human trafficking; if the brothels have to be regulated and legal, the girls working there have to be doing so of their own volition.

I should make it clear though - I'm not just saying 'legalize it' in the sense that the way that pimps and prostitutes work right now is fine; it's a system that would need regulation & reform, but it isn't inherintly bad. If reformed properly, and regulated - it's safer for everyone involved.
3,550 posts

- Cuts down on STDs

How in the world would STD's. Legalization doesn't mean that people will be tested. And the Gov't probably wouldn't like to have any part of it. People would still do it behind peoples backs without being tested.
1,310 posts

How in the world would STD's. Legalization doesn't mean that people will be tested. And the Gov't probably wouldn't like to have any part of it. People would still do it behind peoples backs without being tested.

The government of Nevada is quite involved in the regulation of the brothels.

The reason it cuts down on STDs is because use of condoms & tests are *mandatory*. They're not allowed to work if they don't use them, or get regularly tested.

Nevada brothels to date have never had a single incident report of a case of HIV among any of the workers.

And also according to Dr. Randall Todd (in this article)

"We see very little STD among the working girls in these brothels"

"Brothel sex is extremely low-risk, probably a lower risk than to pick up someone in a bar whom you donât know."

As for your remark that people would still do it behind people's backs without being tested. That may be true.. but do you really think clients, given the option would rather have sex with an illegal prostitute with a higher risk of contracting a disease, or would they go to a brothel where it's perfectly legal & the chance of disease is almost negligible. It's a no-brainer.
3,550 posts

I guess you are right but you never now. People out there still like dirty sex i guess.

755 posts

People out there still like dirty sex

well there is nothing against dirty sex with clean women/men
395 posts

Why not make it legal? I think we have seen enough evidence to see why it should.

It's just another business, no need to be make it illegal. As long as it is regulated there should be no problem with it.

13,817 posts

From a strictly non-religious point of view, I could say that with regulation, prostitution is fine.

Though seriously, I don't like prostitution at all. It is sad, for those who must sell their bodies to earn money.

1,051 posts

I think prostitution should be legal because it would decrease the spread of STD's and possibly cut down on rape crimes.

2,301 posts

Hence weekly STD checkups. End that problem right then and there.
That's like playing Russian Roulette without bullets.

But seriously, prostitution strikes me as mildly amoral. I wouldn't have a problem with it being legal, I'd just look at it disapprovingly.
4,097 posts

Prostitution should be legal in the case of two consenting adults. It's their choice, and who's it going to hurt? As long as they get STD check ups it's perfect fine. Both people are happy. The guy (in most cases) because he got sex, and the woman because she got money. Win - win situation.

Also, it would allow the city and state more money. They wouldn't need to go out looking for prostitutes anymore, or spending the time to arrest them and such. It's a profession just like any other, just one that is very taboo.

There should be regulations though. Like they can't work anytime before midnight, and curfew laws should be set in places that it is legal. It wouldn't be good for kids to be wandering the streets at night and run across a prostitute. And I'm sure that parents wouldn't be happy if their teens were having sex with random women.

887 posts

It should be legal just look at the brothels in places where it is legal they check the girls and everything, in places where it's illegal the woman are mistreated by their pimps and are in bad condition.

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