ForumsArt, Music, and WritingTell a story!

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75 posts

Okay, the title is pretty much self explanatory. Tell any kind of story you want here, that's it, alright? So, you can do a true one, a fake one, one that you didn't make up, ANYTHING! Just, tell us here. Due to me being exceptionally original though, I shall make up a story myself!

Once upon a time... A guy was named Bob. He was so random, he fell off a cliff, and was hit by a golf ball in mid-air. He died by both things that happened. Cool, huh?


(I bet you wish you were as original as I am!!)

  • 11 Replies
203 posts

One early morning a man named Rick was laying down watching tv and all of a sudden the ground started to rumble everything started to shake Rick said "It is the end of the world!!" and then he looked out the window and a giant was laughing at him and he started to laugh to and thats the story of Stupid Rick. (Sorry kind of a dumb story.)

159 posts

once,there was this guy,and he saw a vampire.the vampire tried to kill the guy,but the guy then the vampire dissapeared.the next day the guy went up to the vampire,they shacked hands,and then the guy stabbed a wooden steak knife through the vampires heart.but then the vampire slowly fell to the ground,straight,and then the vampire came up and started to do the disco.then the guy went to jail for murder.from that day on the guy and the vampire were the best friends ever. could happen to anyone

204 posts

bob is at a circus to see clowns he loves clowns but wen he gets to the clowns they r mutant clowns and they try to eat him but he got away so from this day on bob is paranoid of clowns

324 posts

I was walking down the street on my way to my defiled school in my decaying world. When kids drive by me and call me names. I go to first period the teache signels me out for sucking at what we are doing. Second period I am singled out for being veg. by my teacher and peers, lunch my spot is taken by norms and as i find my misrible way i drag my white A ss to no where (my school is norm infested), last period some snobby little mormon girl bit ches at me because i was coughing to loud my teacher sent me to the office for making me make her distract the class. I go home my mom yells at her for not cleaning her room. I go into waiting ot die, unfourtionly i don't I am ordered into the shower to relize that the hot water was cut off again (yea) i go to my room do my homework with my dog for a few hours come down eat dinner and go to bed watching the gumby movie ( i had a dream that i was killed) I was happy till i woke up and started the misrible prosscess again. I suck at life. :l

154 posts

The sun was setting as I finished off the last of them. The valley was now a forest of my impaled enemies. I stood amongst the decaying corpses, breathing the in the air rank with the putrid scent of rotting flesh. I cleaned my sword with my already bloodstained cape. There wasn't a sound of life within the entire valley and I knew... it was time to move on to the next one.

150 posts

The day was cold and not even the slightest sound was heard. A room that seemed so small and pleasing is now dark and cold. I held my breathe thinking that he wouldn't hear me. I listened to him shuffle his feet as he walked across the floor. He wore military like boots with a long coat. The sound of chains clanking against his legs gave me the split second for breathing. I layed underneath my bed on the cold floor. The minute I stopped hearing him moving. I felt hands lash around my ankles, dragging me from underneath the bed to his feet. I stare straight up into the air looking at his face, but my vision is blurred from bumping my head. When I came to I noticed that the man, was not a man but it was The King and that bitch gave me a Whopper HELL YEAH!

31 posts

well my life and storys are all really gay so the end

355 posts

I tripped over once and got a permanent scar on my left eyebrow. it sucks.

this is old.

329 posts

i have scars on my wrists fromseeing if anything can cutt them. i tried glass (that left a scar) pens (no scars) knifes (scars:P) and a lot of other things that i can't remember

53 posts

Heard this at a StudentLife camp from an Australian guy named Darren Whitehead:
So Darren's talking on his phone while driving, gets hungry, and decides to pull into the McDonald's parking lot. Because of his accent, it takes him three tries before he forces himself to sound "American" to allow the order take to understand his order for a BigMac and a large coke. When he pulls to the window, he finds that this particular McDonald's does not accept his credit card. He therefore decides to find a drive up ATM machine. He swipes his card then drives off. Once again, he pulls into the drive thru, places his order, then goes up to the window. When he reaches the window, he realizes that he forgot to take the cash from the machine. At this point he is freaking out that he just answered somebody else's prayer for one hundred dollars. He then called his credit card company and heard the wonderful news that if the money was not grabbed within sixty seconds, it was sucked back into the machine. He goes back to the machine, swipes his card, and makes sure to grab his money. As he goes through the drive thru, he talks to his buddy. He pulls to the window, hands over his money, and then drives off. By this time he is starving, and he is so happy that as he's reaching for his food he tells his buddy just how amazing it will taste. Oh, but wait,as he reaches for his food, he finds that it is not there. He decides this time to go right into the restaurant where he sees his food waiting for him on the counter and hears the laughter and applause from all of the employees.

2,790 posts

"I like pie" said Steve the Dragon. "But Why, why must you Steve, why?" Said the princess in a shower of tears."Because.. 'cause the uh,"*gulps*" The Tea Goblin, okay!"replies Steve who is also, in a shower of tears."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Said the princess."What are you doing with that Dragon!" said the prince. "I shall slay him for you.""NO" Shouted the princess, Cindy."What, Why?"Said Jake the prince. "I, I, love him..." said Cindy. "WHAT,WHAT,Y--YOU- WHAT HIM!!"Bursted Jake. "I love him" Cindysaid fearfully."If you love him so much, then, uh, then-wait, you don't still love me, right?"Said Jake "Right"Said Cindy. "Good, I shall slay him for you"Said jake with a devilish grin. Steve heard, and when Jake wasn't ready (most always) He burnt him to a crisp.
"Woah, Awesome!" Exclaimed Cindy.They then flew off and thought of what they would do with there powers of charm, and murdering.They talked it over for a while, and they soon realized they would gain world domination."To your house" Shouted Cindy. Steve gave her a puzzled look, "House?" He said in confusion. "Place where you live and sleep." Said Cindy."OOOOOh, my snarfawitz." Said Steve
"Hi killers" said Jake. "Wha--what, who is the-- that voice."Said Cindy very fearfully."It's me, Jake don't you regognize my voice?"said Jake"Of Course I do, but where are you?"said Cindy "In Heaven, DERP. I'm an angel" Said Jake the angel who had his name changed to Robert by God."Oh, Duh can you came on our journey to gain world domination?"Said Cindy. Robert replied,"I can't leave heaven, but i could be a star for you, and I probely shouldn't help with world domination."."Oh"sighed Cindy "Well, bye?""Yes I can come!" said Robert gleefully. And together, Steve the dragon, Cindy the princess, and Jake the prince who got killed, and had his named changed to Robert and also is guiding the others as a star, set off to gain world domination.
First Trial John said,"Hiya I'm the evil warlord, what do you want with me?""World Domination, want to come with?"said Cindy "Sure" Replied John.
Second Trial Fred said "Sup, Wadd'ya want?""World Domination, You in?"said Cindy."WHAT, NOO, I SHALL KILL AND SLAY YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS!!" Shouted Fred. He was burnt to a crisp, and is now helping as a star.
Third Trial. Barack(Obama) said,"Hi what do you wan-DROGON OMG DRAGON WTF DRANGON AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ABONDON THE US RUN FOR YOUR LIVES OMG DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGOOOON!!!!"Cindy replied"World domination""AHHHHHH OH,SURE,YAH,WHATEVEEEEEEEER"Barack screemed. "Soooo, Uh, er we can have the US?" said Cindy "OMG DRAGOOOOOOOOOOOON, WHATEVERRR YOU SAY DRAGON MASTER!!!"said Barack."SWEET"Everyone shouted!"Okay 1 country down,somewhere around 100 to go, =D" Said Cindy.
Fourth trial "Leave us aloNE, leave us ALONE leave US ALONE, leAVE US ALONE, LEAVE US ALONE!"Mysterious people shouted. "WTF OMG WTF OMG" we all shouted with a scared, but confused look on our faces. "They're here, THEY'RE HERE"They said *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, THEY'RE HERE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG WTFFFFF OOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMG!!!" "We come in peace?", said Steve. "Ohh... THEY YOU SHALL DI"-"We want world domination" We all interupted the chief."Oh, um'he quieted his voice'can I come?"sure, but what about the'-"SHHHHH" "Ok, what about them?"Cindy said."Hopeless" Chief Max replied."Ohh, uh, er could we do something wit them, such as burn them to a crisp and make them angels or stars,I guess, like Robert and Fred?"said Cindy "Sure" Max replied. "1, 2, 3, BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAAH" we shouted.The angry mob was now burnt to a crisp, and turned into angels...

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