I'm thinking about getting it for the pc in september and usally the battlefield series is waaaayyyy better on the pc dont go bagging on a game you haven't played on all platforms. lol. so think i should get it or not?
LOL NO!!! CoD Waw is the worst thing i've ever played!!!! CoD4 ROCKZZZZZ and ModernWarfare2 will be the best game ever
*ahem* Fall of Reach will.
Anyway, I dont care that there's only 4 maps, each time i play the game, the way conflict arises it's a totally different game every time! one game I'm in light AR fights all over, and the next game I'm on Wake Island Airfield trying to get under cover as the Air strike falls upon me and the two enemy bombers drop their payload! It was scary, but the best friggin WW2 experience yet. WaW is too linear for WW2 conflict. 1943 really brings WW2 combat at its best. The sounds are perfect, visuals are stunning....and the 4 map thing only bugs me when i play the same map 3x or 4x in a row. 4.5/5