ForumsThe TavernThe Spore competition (Deadline 25th October- Page 1)

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Hey guys!
This is the Spore Competition.
Its all about playing different spore games, like creating an
scary creature or an cute one!

* You always have two weeks to submit your entry!
* Your entry has to fit the current Spore game.
* You CAN win twice.
* All Spore expansions are allowed in this competition!
* The winner choose the next Spore game. Cannot be the same as
the previous one.
* You can submit more entrys in one game if you think your
first one was bad, but please tell me what entry you want to

How to submit?
If the current Spore game is about making the scariest
creature, you have to take a screenshot of it, you can take
screenshots ingame that is saved to a place automaticly,
upload to any photo upload site, and then post it here with a
little description of the creature. If the current Spore game
is about making a gameplay video or something, your video
should be uploaded to youtube, and the link should be posted

The judge is me in the beginning, i dont make an entry myself,
that would be cheating!
If there some people who want to be a judge, contact me on my
comment site with an description of why i should choose you to
be judge! Judges can't make entrys .

What do we look at?
We will look at, how much your entry fits the current game.
If you maked a simple amazing one, thats better than a

detailed amazing one!
If the game is about making a gameplay video, we will look at
the quality for sure!

Happy Spore gaming!

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