ForumsWEPRGay lifestyle?

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So I've been thinking, I've seen the parse "gay lifestyle" countless times by now, and even though I'm gay myself I have absolutely no idea of what a gay lifestyle is.
And then I wondered, do anyone?

So the question I'll like to ask is, what is "gay lifestyle". by your opinion or by an actually definition.

  • 16 Replies
9,434 posts

NOTE to all: Do not turn this into another discussion about gay rights, or whether it's a sin or whatever else these threads usually melt away into these days. There's been too many of those. And if all these gay-related threads keep being active we might have to trim a few down. >_>;

I honestly don't know. 'S far as I know there's mostly the gay parades and going to gay bars instead of regular ones to pick up dates that are - significant as identifiers of a "gay lifestyle".

It's perfectly possible to be part of a minority without leading a lifestyle heavily accentuated by said minority's tendencies, though.

50 posts

I think that there have been stereotypes of a "gay lifestyle" and that there really isn't a specific lifestyle that gay people have to follow.

9,434 posts

No one has to follow a specific lifestyle. It's more a question of whether or not a specific group of people typically lead their lives in a particular way?

1,416 posts

Copied from a

"There is no such thing as "The Gay Life Style." In fact, there are many different gay life styles, just as there are many different life styles in the straight community.

Most of the things gay people do on a daily basis are not particularly exciting. A lot of what gay people do is not really gay. Going to work, preparing supper, cleaning the house, and mowing the lawn are not activities unique to the gay community.

Some people seem to think the gay life style is what they see on a ten second news report about a gay pride parade. One day in a year is not a life style and should not be confused with a life style. That would be like saying all Christians have a Christmas Day life style all year or that Fourth of July is the life style all Americans have all year.

The gay life is not all about sex. Non-stop sex and non-stop sex shopping is not what it means to be gay. The gay community should not be judged by news reports about gay pride weeks any more than the straight community should be judged by the excesses of a few college students during spring break."

13,344 posts

what is "gay lifestyle"

The simple answer here would be: "It's just like a straight person's lifestyle, except instead of having attractions toward the opposite gender, they have attractions toward the same gender".

Of course, it isn't that simple; there is a lot more to it. Stereotypically, homosexual males are more open to trying exotic new lifestyles than straight males, and they're also generally more outgoing. This is, of course, not always true, and is mostly based on my experience with gay people (don't even think about interpreting that the wrong way).

I don't know about homosexual women, because I've never really known very many personally; which is ironic, because the city I live in has the highest lesbian population in the United States.
600 posts

Its kind of misleading to call it 'the gay lifestyle', it would be more correct to call it a sort of 'swinger' lifestyle.
As in always having a 'artner' and some other things, I'm not quite familiar with it though.

1,532 posts

Watch the movie i now pronounce you chuck and larry. They pull it off reaaaaal good.

909 posts

I used this term,"gay lifestyle" in other threads only to indicate a change in my father's lifestyle that did change from a family oriented one to more of a "dorm-life" type. Occasionally, my father's home would resemble "animal house".
Once the celebrations were over, dad was dad and from all outward appearances no would even guessed he was gay.

1,707 posts

Gay basher definition of gays' lifestyles:

If theres a gay basher or an anti-gay whose saying gays lifesyles are disgusting and wrong you can pick up that it means the gays' lifestyles is all about kissing, smooching, but humping, making out, and acting as a girl ect...

A non gay basher's definition of a gay's lifestyle:

Gays don't have lifestyles they lead perfectly normal life except for liking men.

Ok on a personal note and somewhat off topic any idiot could have picked up on a gay bashers definition of a gay's lifestyle except a FireflyIV.

8,051 posts

a Gay lifestyle is a Happy lifestyle.

3,826 posts

So the question I'll like to ask is, what is "gay lifestyle". by your opinion or by an actually definition.

Pinning this down to a definition will just result in stereotypes. The only thing gay people have in common is preferring to have sex with people of their own gender.

Ok on a personal note and somewhat off topic any idiot could have picked up on a gay bashers definition of a gay's lifestyle except a FireflyIV.

Is this supposed to be an insult? If so, then:
1) it doesn't even really make sense - is there a context to this?
2) why on earth would you insult Firefly in a thread?
3) don't be jacka$$

I did notice though that gay couples live happier than your normal average couple.

Wanna know why? No kids, so more free time, more expendable income and waaaay less stress. Kids are just... awful.
2,301 posts

Do not turn this into another discussion about gay rights, or whether it's a sin or whatever else these threads usually melt away into these days. There's been too many of those. And if all these gay-related threads keep being active we might have to trim a few down. >_>;
It's almost like we should have one thread about homosexuality (morality of it, whatever) so that the debate can stick to one thread and not spill into others. Didn't we have on of those for a minute there?

Wanna know why? No kids, so more free time, more expendable income and waaaay less stress. Kids are just... awful.
I'm not sure that's a fair assessment. I'd like to see the statistics between childless and child-raising heterosexual couples. With factors like age controlled. I'd also like to see where these statistics came from.
3,224 posts

even though I'm gay myself I have absolutely no idea of what a gay lifestyle is.

Gay lifestyle is, in my humble opinion, and bearing in mind the context it is so often used, a means of those with a political agenda to make gays in general seem to be a bad thing for society. With Jews and blacks off limits for stigmatisation gays are, and probably will remain for a decades, fair game.

This really reminded me of an article I read literally years ago about the 'black community', and the distortion that brings. As thelistman rightly eluded to, people tend to homogenize minority groups for easy reference. Claiming there is a single gay lifestyle is as much a fallacy as claiming there is an easily defined ''black'' or ''white'' lifestyle. All it does is perpetuate stereotypes detrimental to any sort of social progression, and delays long overdue integration of gays into mainstream society. The lack of openly gay politicians and public figures in relation to their proportion of the total population is testament to this. Note I'm no proponent of positive discrimination.

Also, cheers Moe. *Nods*
9,504 posts

People of the common masses to their ethical societies are just judgmental to anything out of the norm. Believe it or not, in the majority of many communities, homosexuality is not common, especially in Indiana, where I'm from. Out of over 25,000 people that took the survey in my city, literally 3 people were listed as homosexual, plus 20 others that checked "did not feel comfortable about revealing this information". So there could have been a possible 23 people that took the survey that were homosexual. It doesn't hide the fact that many people like to judge and completely debunk the entirety of homosexuality, either for teh lolz or for seriousness. I really don't understand both to tell you the truth.

3,826 posts

I'm not sure that's a fair assessment. I'd like to see the statistics between childless and child-raising heterosexual couples. With factors like age controlled. I'd also like to see where these statistics came from.

I just now googled "marital happiness with children" and got a bunch of interesting articles. Unfortunately, they're journal articles that you need to be on a university account to access, so linking to them here would be pointless. But there is an extremely well-researched negative correlation between marital happiness and children. I think most of the articles I came across called it a causal relation rather than a correlation. I don't know enough about psychology to know at what point a correlative relation can be called a causal one.
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