
29 4843
6,672 posts

okey i know some of you know me as a pot smoker, which i have before but im not like a pot head, and i just want to clarify that i am mainly against drugs in peoples lives.

i just dont understand why people abuse drugs such as ibiprofen or shit like oxyclean.. i understand that sometimes trama survivers end up doing this stuff but i just baffels me as to why people started to begin with.

i mean my eyes have been opened wuide as of yesterday.
my freind had been tweeked so much that he hadnt eaten for 2 weeks and he is now in a comma....... one of my closest friends too.

it just disgusts me as to how these people do this stuff and think there cool. especially with cigarretes i have friends that have been smoking since the 7'th grade becuase they thought it was cool back then and now when they are in 10'th and 11'th they are hooked on the niccatene and will probably get lung cancer at the age of 35. i think all marijuana, ciggarettes, opiots, and any other kind of drug should jsut be frowned upon and i think users should go to an insane assylum.

harsh i know but who cares they are crazy for doing that shit in the first place...

why do people do stupid things that know will ruin there lives. i mean my best friends bf found out that she did coke once and hes pissed. which he should be. she has smoked cigarettes and smokes weed every other day and has done it in front of him when hes been trying to get her to quit. and now shes mad at him for yelling at her about drugs! its outragous what her head is stuck into. he is getting yelled at by her for him trying to save her life....

  • 29 Replies
4,220 posts

I don't think you really get how addictions work. Most people are addicted to something, or just have habits that they can't stop. Whenever someone tells you to stop, you get pissed off. You don't know where it came from, just one day you decided to do it and now you can't stop.

The same principle works for drugs. And contrary to popular belief, most drugs aren't started to make people look cool. Maybe once or twice people smoke pot for their friends, but that's fine. The harder stuff, that starts for other reasons.

People cannot stop things like these, especially drugs like meth, heroin, or others of the same vein. If they stop, they do one hell of a brutal crash, puking and nausea, headaches, severe dehydration, even death. Once they start, they literally cannot stop, without risking severe damage. It's a catch 22.

Your view might be a little distorted as well, due to such a personal thing. People who do these drugs are, at their most basic, victims in their own right. They don't do it for fun, or just because, they do it because they feel the uncontrollable urge to do so.

Make sense?

6,672 posts

ya i understand the addiction to drugs but it just pisses me off of alot of the reasons they started. most of the time it isnt a "oh i just felt like buying some ruphies one day" scenario.

its shit like, there parents got them started on drinking at the age of 10, my older ffriends had meth so i did it, its adult/role model figures in peoples lives that get you into that shit and its a damn shame that people who abuse are so poor to get themselves help...... its down right sick

1,903 posts

Abridged version of how addiction works. As according to my Health teacher. You probably won't need this, but... Well...

1. Person tries substance, continue down.
2. If person doesn't do it again,or quits at any point, hurray, if he/she does, for any reason continue down again.
3. Person continues to use until the body is used to physical and mental effects (affects?) and begins to slow absorption of chemicals in the substances due to an over-abundance.
4. Person begins to take more and more of the substance at any one time to increase the effects that they feel, which are gradually weakening.
5. Person becomes so used to the substance that the body now actually needs it to function properly and has severe side effects if none is in the system.
At this point, quitting is still an option but will likely have severe psychological implications.
6. Well, after that you're proper screwed.

6,672 posts

yes i understand how addiction works it jsut makes me pissed off at how people cant jsut sit here and let there loved ones get inot it in the first place.... i understand how sometimes alchohalism is hereditory but theres some limits when youre mom is drinking with u at the age of 12

6,672 posts

the thing is so im poor my friends are poor there ruining there lives and it just makes me wanna cry almost to know that they wont be able to afford help.....

909 posts

Wait, delossantosj there is help.
Free local and toll-free numbers for immediate assistance for addicts.
Take your friend to the county health department. Sure it's a lot of paper work and probably a good chuck of the day spent in the waiting room but there's help.

This friend will need a mentor for a long time and you sound like you are ready to think about making a commitment?
Think hard about this because temptations are all around and the people doing the tempting don't sleep.

Feel free to post on my profile! I'll be your friend and mentor on this side.

928 posts

Drugs: Without them you can die. With them you can die, justification found. BE MORE SPECIFIC.

5,001 posts

This topic is nothing but a jumbled mess of opinions posing as facts. Keeton is the only one that has come close to truth.

And I am really not even sure what needs to be engaged here. OP, what is it exactly your asking?

2,770 posts

God you are a loser Delo.

1,532 posts

So...the topic sentence on this thread is addictions? Or how your a pot smoker? Im confused...i wish my pet bear was here to help me understand this.

4,375 posts

You just said you smoked pot, and then you said you get mad at people for smoking pot?

You do realize, the only people who do drugs, are poor kids, and rich kids who think there lives suck, even though they have it made.

Drugs are something to get your mind of things.

And your frineds girlfriend, you can't get addicted to weed, and it has no bad side effects, and ciggerets kill you, but so what? Your gonna die from something, so why not die happy?

5,001 posts

This needs to be EL OH SEA KAY EE DEE. It has trailed off into nonsense.

355 posts

honestly i have never done drugs or hence i dont wanna they distroy your life yet they make u happy very tempted

6,672 posts

You just said you smoked pot, and then you said you get mad at people for smoking pot?

no i was clarrifying that im not a &quotot smoker" i have before at partys and stuff. i was just clirrifying so people didnt think i was some rude stupid hipocrit
3,880 posts

You do realize, the only people who do drugs, are poor kids, and rich kids who think there lives suck, even though they have it made.

Ehh, no...
Are you living in a cave?
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