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Only 3 poeple can join, please if you want to join don't just forget about it or quit it very fast

Name: (your choice)
Class: (Warrior, Paladin, Panzer)
Warrior: + 2 attack per level
Paladin: +1 attack, defense and speed per level
Panzer: + 2 defense per level
(8 stats points to spend)
Attack [cost 2 points]
Defense [cost 2 points]
Speed [cost 1 point]
Damage (minimum damage is attack x1 and maximum damage is attack x2 also +1 minimum and maximum damage for every 2 speed)
Chance to block (same as defense also +1 for every 3 speed)
Health (defense x5)
Experience 0/50 (every level you get 4 stats points to spend)
Level 1
Gold: (you can buy equipment with it)
Village = Udurn

More information:

-no, you don't need to calculate anything, Im using software to calculate all battles and to get battle results
-Blocking attack decrease it by 80%
-You can buy only when you are in village, I will tell you more about it when you get gold
-You start in village, when you want to fight enemy you just need to travel to âUdurnâ which is only location on your map, later on you will explore difrent locations
-When you want to travel just tell me and I will send you to location and give you enemy...

I will make profile only for you to see how does it need to look like

Name: Rundagor
Class: Panzer
Attack 2
Defense 4
Speed 2
Damage 3-5
Chance to block 4%
Health 20/20
Experience 0/50
Level 1
Gold: 0
Village = Udurn

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