ForumsThe TavernWhy to laugh at users

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13,657 posts

Disclaimer: Purely written out of love to the userbase. Also humour.
Disclaimer: Zophia made me post it.

Why you should laugh at users complaining about not getting merits:
- As you go through the new games on the front page, you give an average of one merit per game. And your standards aren't that high.
- There is <5 comments that are actually potential merits in length/quality, but lacks quality/length.
- There is on average a 1:10 ratio on good comments to spam. This ratio decreases proportionally with how new the game is.
- Of all of the above, none of the comments are made by a person who have complained about lack of merits given.
- You find out all of them have stopped writing comments for games, simply because they are not getting a merit. This does not stop them from complaining.
- If you by chance give a mod a merit for a review, there will be complaints that the mods hate the complaining persons, or that the mod gave themselves a merit. Alternatively they will find a comment they made in the same game and complain that that comment did not get a merit, even if that comment was made 10 minutes after the merit giving mod left the game comments.
- If a merit is somehow given to a new comment made by a mod, the mod is obviously neglecting their work by playing a game, and reviewing it, even if it is the first time they have done so in months.
- Any activity in the game comments will be ignored, if it is not giving a merit to the people that complain. Even if it is high activity, and quite visible. If a merit is not given, the mods are neglecting their work.
- Deleting spam/cleaning game comments/stopping problems and banning flamers is not part of the moderator's job. Rewarding merits is. If the mod does not reward merits, they are not doing their job, and should be demodded in favour of the complaining people.
- If the complaining people gets spammed or flammed, the mods are hating on them for not immediately permabanning the offender, even if the mods are not aware of anything happening and are unable to permaban anyone.
- "Fun" is not something a mod should have.
- Neither is "energy".
- When you end up with 2 pages of legit comments after cleaning some 30 pages, have given 2 merits and generally fought through hell to give those two... You should be happy that you got this awesome job of giving people 25ap.
- Giving those 25ap is also the only motivation to do your job. Respect, people thanking you for doing good, any general motivation like goodfeel, rewards or being paid is all overrated, and will only divide you from your goal: To reward someone a merit.
- And when reality hits, you are much too polite to respond to their "We never get merits, the mods don't give any out!!" with "Have you thought about it might just be your writing skills that suck?".
(And if they were a game, they would be rated 2 with a "Boring" to accompany it.)

So, thoughts or something?

  • 56 Replies
356 posts

It's good to be able to laugh at yourself.

3,137 posts

what i got out of this OP: your job sucks. and the people you are trying to please are brats.

866 posts

My thought: people should stop complaining and look at the bright side of life That they can still earn ap with rating games for example.

And it's also funny that some people expect a merit for only using 1 word like boring or exciting. Or just writing complete nonsense like i'm first in commenting!

1,532 posts

People Complain about Not getting merits? Thats ridiculous, its 25 points, and its also an online forum. Go ride a bike.

5,001 posts


It's so nicely put.

11,891 posts

- There is on average a 1:10 ratio on good comments to spam. This ratio decreases proportionally with how new the game is.

It's 1:4 for older games.

Also, I heart my chart.
Also, too sarcastic.
Also, you forgot, if a user gets a merit, they'll complain that they didn't get a soon enough if they've forgotten about their comment.
13,657 posts

Go ride a bike.

I did. And then I went swimming. And then I rode back. And all the time I was not thinking of merits at all. It actually do work!


It's so nicely put.

*bow* I did my best. Sadly, the first version died with a glitch on my profile somehow.

It's 1:4 for older games.

I love old games.

Also, I heart my chart.

I thought about linking to it, but I didn't. It is utterly awesome.

Also, too sarcastic.

No sarcasm. Most is seen from the eyes of the users that complain. Neatly signed of with "In reality" in the last point. Sorry for not making that clear.

Also, you forgot, if a user gets a merit, they'll complain that they didn't get a soon enough if they've forgotten about their comment.

Oh yes, of course.
Well, the more of a list we got, the more amusement we can have when someone do complain.

Oh yeah, another one:
When someone complain two hours after they have written the comment, about three hours after a mod went through the entire game and rewarded merits.
1,296 posts

Thought: people shouldn't waste their time trying to get merits when you can get 4 points per game so you only have to spam, rate then go to another game around like 7 times and then you have more points then a merit and in less time to! Not saying I do this but it's just a thought.

9,504 posts

- There is <5 comments that are actually potential merits in length/quality, but lacks quality/length.

Because of:

- You find out all of them have stopped writing comments for games, simply because they are not getting a merit. This does not stop them from complaining.

Because of:

- Any activity in the game comments will be ignored, if it is not giving a merit to the people that complain. Even if it is high activity, and quite visible.

Because of...wha?

- Deleting spam/cleaning game comments/stopping problems and banning flamers is not part of the moderator's job. Rewarding merits is. If the mod does not reward merits, they are not doing their job, and should be demodded in favour of the complaining people.

Oh no you dint...

- Giving those 25ap is also the only motivation to do your job. Respect, people thanking you for doing good, any general motivation like goodfeel, rewards or being paid is all overrated, and will only divide you from your goal: To reward someone a merit.

That's just plain wrong

*recognizes disclaimer*

Now, users have no reason or legitimate basis for complaining, as this thread has (sarcastically) provided reasons for such behavior and their unproven rhetorics. No moar complainin! I will go Drake on y'all and drop the whole world on your bleepin head!

Assuming that the mods are in the same game as you gave your review in, it is not the mods' faults that you didn't receive your precious merit; it is your fault. Make your review better.
228 posts

I had fun reading all that. So you cruelly laugh at us but in a loving way?

13,657 posts

So you cruelly laugh at us but in a loving way?

We love you all, just some in a slightly lesser way. If nothing, I find much more cruel pleasure in banning users that think it is okay to swear at me, call me various things and generally behave badly, even after various warnings. There is something... nice about banning the kid that tell you, you can't tell him what to do, and he is going to do whatever he like. It doesn't happen often, and there is no hard feelings if they get back and behave properly afterwards, it is just that tiny moment of joy when you write out "Perhaps you need some fresh air" in their ban message.
/Dirty little secrets of cruel pleasure.

But yeah, sometimes there is just moments that we, uhm, I really love you guys. And other times I will smack my face against the keyboard (which is probably why my G has fallen off) and curse.
And I only laugh at utter stupidity.

@Freak: It is okay to complain, at most times it will just be shrugged off and forgotten,especially if there is no real reason for whining. Today, both because I was in a bad mood, and because I had posted this hours before, it just... snapped.
That, or if someone acts like we are neglecting our job entirely by not giving them a merit (deserved or otherwise), and that we are basically slaves to their will... Then mods get really annoyed and... stops looking at the games at all.
9,504 posts

And then there are those that post reviews in hopes of receiving a merit, instead in hopes of getting a reply back from the developer him/herself..... That was a victory day for Freakenstein... 8-D

13,817 posts

Eh, I got one reply from a developer here on AG. If I wanted to talk to devs, I'd go to Newgrounds however.

I laughed quite a bit. Nicely put Cenere, nicely put.

372 posts

can i haeb meret

4,375 posts

I'm kinda tired of this. Honeslty if your tired of it quit. Problems solved. That goes for users and mods

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