ForumsNews and FeedbackForum Idea-Please Review Idea

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3 posts

I would love to state a problem that i have noticed with alot of websites like this that the forum is not the main feature.

The idea is a some sort of system that shows and gives a link to forums you have posted on in the past and some sort of indicater to show if someone new has posted on that forum.

  • 7 Replies
14,745 posts

The idea has been suggested before and there were a few problems that rose to the surface in the discussion about it!

For example, if this were to be implemented, you'd have messages for every time someone posts in a thread you posted in and that amount can become a huge flood in your inbox pretty quickly!

To elaborate: say you post in 10 threads on different forae, this would make 10 certain replies, right?
But what if at least 5 people would post in 9 threads and 1 single thread becomes VERY popular, it could very well get 50 posts in one day! 0_o

So to accumulate these figures, it would mean you would get 9 times 5 = 45 posts + 50 posts = 95 posts in one day! That's a lot...

Do you have enough room in your inbox?

2,891 posts

We'll definitely consider this for AG3, but we're not likely going to make too many major changes to AG2 in the meantime.

Most forum software I've used in the past is intelligent enough to bundle all of those messages in a single outgoing message, or know enough to only send you one Email per thread until the next time you visit the site and then show you a link that says "15 people have replied to your 3 posts". I'm not sure how we'll implement this for AG3 yet.

14,745 posts

Guess that's why I'm not a computer whizz... LOL XD

Soooo... this can actually be done without having your email box flooded with email notifications for every post that's made after yours? Never knew that... :/

Oh well... in that case I'd say: implement it in AG3 please! =D
It's better to keep track of all the threads you posted in this way...
...and I know a lot of users would really like such a feature!

Let's wait and see what will happen!

2,891 posts

Yeah, we don't want to get flagged as spammers for sending tons of messages all the time. We can simply set a flag in the database once we send you a message that tells the message system NOT to Email you any more new messages ... and have the login sequence clear that flag when you log in the next time, so you'll get another Email next time.

I've seen other forum software send a daily 'digest' message of everything you're "watching" or "subscribed to" etc. as well, but that kind of thing still sends a lot of Emails, and we'll need something much simpler.

14,745 posts

and have the login sequence clear that flag when you log in the next time, so you'll get another Email next time

Maybe it's just one of my (notorious) 'mental hickups', but... what if you forget to log out?!
I know I sometimes forget to log out and then feel surprised when I revisit the next time and find my account still activated! LOL

That would mean the system doesn't register you as re-entering the website, it might still think you are still online and never left...

The idea's good! Never knew that that's already possible without half a year's work developing it! =P
1,573 posts

Or a system that keeps tabs on forums that YOU want to keep tabs on. Like a favourite threads box that you could delete the threads as they become old. This also means there are some threads I made that I want to put new info in from time to time so I could keep track of that too.

1,344 posts

That's a good idea. Maybe have a list of links to threads that you recently have visited, then in parenthesis say how many unread posts have been submitted since you posted next to the link.


Three posts have been submitted since I posted, and I haven't read them. (not true)

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