ForumsGamesAlternate Accounts Rules used for Multiplayer Games

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2,891 posts

Effective Immediately: (updated May 27, 2011)

Any alternate accounts created for the purpose of joining a GhostOf/Angel/Wolf/G33k/etc 'Clan' for multiplayer games like Exit Path or Colony or any other/future multiplayer games MUST abide by the following rules. General users are not allowed to have alternate accounts for any other purpose on Armor Games than for playing multiplayer games.

1. All alternate accounts MUST be declared on your primary profile's biography. The alternate account must also specify and link back to your main account. NO EXCEPTIONS.

2. If you are giving up your old 'main' account to use your new alternate account ONLY, then we must disable your primary account. Contact an admin to perma-ban your old main account. You will lose all points, saved game progress, premium content and other benefits. If you decide later that you want your old main account revived, your message posting history of your alternate account will be fully deleted. NO EXCEPTIONS. Alternate accounts in this scenario may keep their profile comments open if they choose.

3. If you intend to KEEP your old 'main' account active as well, then your new alternate account is NOT ALLOWED to post any message on the site (forums, game comments or user comments). Also, your alternate account's profile comments must be CLOSED from receiving incoming profile message. NO EXCEPTIONS. If we see your comments are left on, we will close them. If you re-open them, your alternate account will be banned.

Breaking any of these rules will result in your alternate account being immediately perma-banned. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Q: Why is Armor Games being so strict about this?
A: These rules are being put in place to help combat even more spam by users who feel the need to post comments on Ghost/Angel profiles, when those Ghost/Angel profiles are not permitted to respond, and to avoid confusion from other users by restricting alternate accounts from posting comments.

Q: I play multiplayer games. Am I *required* to create alternate accounts?
A: We will never *require* users to create alternate accounts. Some members are choosing to create these accounts so part of the 'clan' name exists in their username.

Q: The Terms and Conditions say that Armor Games will "reserve the right to limit each player to one alternate account per multiplayer game." So we can create one alternate account for Exit Path, and another account for Colony?
A: Yes, you are permitted to make one alternate account for each multiplayer game, but you must declare ALL of those alternates on your 'main' account's profile, and each alternate account's biography must link back to your main account. In this scenario, all alternate accounts are subject to rule #3 above: the alternate accounts are NOT PERMITTED to post forum/user/game comments and must have their profile comments closed.

Q: How do we tell the group leaders to add our alts?
A: If you are keeping your 'main' account, you must contact their main account from your main account. If you are having your main account shut off, you can contact their main account from your alternate account. If the group leader does not have a regular 'main' account, you can contact their alternate account.

Q: I want to disable my old account and only use my new account. How do I get my old account shut off?
A: Contact Cormyn or Jroyster22 from the Email address associated with your old account. When we confirm your Email account with your old AG account, we will perma-ban the account. Your previous message history will remain on the site, but you will lose access to any saved game progress, credit for creating gameshares, or access to any premium content you purchased, for that account.

Q: If I close my 'main' account, can I post messages as my alternate account?
A: Yes, but only if your alternate account's biography specifies what your old account was, and that this is your new primary account.

Q: I changed my mind or left a Clan. How can I shut off my alternate account?
A: Contact Cormyn or Jroyster22 from the Email address associated with your alternate account. We will confirm your Email address, and shut off the account. You will lose your saved game progress, credit for creating gameshares, and access to any premium content you purchased for the alternate account.

Q: Can I make my 'main' account my 'alternate' account, and make my 'alternate' account my new 'main' account?
A: Yes, just say so in the biographies of both profiles, but you must specify each account in the biography of the other.

Q: Is there a preferred method of writing this stuff in our biography?
A: Something like this would suffice:
On your main account:

This is my main account. I have alternate accounts for playing multiplayer games:
______ is my username for playing Exit Path.
______ is my username for playing Colony.

The on your alternate account, something like this:
This is my alternate account for Exit Path.
My main account is _________.
My comments are closed to comply with AG Rules about Clan accounts.

Q: Can I have my 'ghost' account be my 'main' account, and still have another alternate account to play anonymously?
A: No, since users are only permitted to have one alternate account per multiplayer game. If, however, you have one 'clan' account for one game, and another 'clan' account for a DIFFERENT game, and no other account, you can declare one of those as your 'main' account, and follow the above rules for biography messages and posting rules.

Q: Can I transfer the points from my main/alternate account if I have an admin close that account?
A: No, those points will be lost.

Q: Are alternate accounts allowed to rate games?
A: Yes.

Q: If I have 'ghost' or 'angel' in my username, but do not play those games, am I permitted to post in the forums or leave game/user comments?
A: If that is your 'main' account (or only account) then yes, but you should add a note to your profile biography saying that you are not affiliated with any clan of a similar name and that this is your only account.

Q: I don't have access to my old Email account any more. How do I shut off my main/alternate account?
A: We cannot disable accounts if you Email us from a different Email account. You must follow all of the rules mentioned above.

Q: I heard AG3 will have groups/clans. How will things work when that feature is built?
A: We're going to build a way to 'merge' accounts on AG3 for all of these 'clan' accounts so the game progress on your clan account will be present on your main account (provided you're keeping both accounts). Once merged, your main account can then join as many of these game-related groups as they like. You can join the discussion in the AG3 forum about groups.

  • 48 Replies
2,891 posts

Hey folks, these rules have been updated and FAQ's were added. Feel free to post follow-up questions if the FAQ's don't cover something you're curious about.

The important changes:

- alternate accounts are ONLY permitted for multiplayer games
- you may have only ONE alternate account per multiplayer game
- alternate accounts must have comments closed on the profile

The old rules still apply:

- if you keep a 'main' account, your 'alt' is not allowed to write forum messages or user/game comments; failure to comply will result in your alt getting perma-banned

- if you want to give up your 'main' account and use your 'alt' account as your only account, we must perma-ban your old 'main' account, but this will permit your alt account to write forum/user/game comments

288 posts

can we submit highscores on our alt. accounts?

2,891 posts

[quote=rawwr123]can we submit highscores on our al.accounts?[/quote]

Since the alternate account is supposed to be specific to one multiplayer game, we'd prefer if you played all other games from your main account. If the multiplayer game you created the alternate account for allows you to submit a high score, then yes absolutely you are permitted to submit a score for that game.

1,558 posts

Why make a "GhostOf" or "Angel" account in the first place? I see no point other than a small bit of privacy. Even at that, if you get good wouldn't you want to show it?

566 posts

Why make a "GhostOf" or "Angel" account in the first place? I see no point other than a small bit of privacy. Even at that, if you get good wouldn't you want to show it?

It's simple really (and exactly the last point you made ;D).

Instead of showing off your individual skills, people made these accounts so that all players were associated with the group instead of the person itself. Thereby making the clan itself more well known which leads to more members joining. (Which eventually led to the creation of these rules :3)

Of course, the best players of the group were still recognised by their group account names.
2,891 posts

Keny is right, the creation of groups/clans led to the creation of rules. The updates I added last week, however, were put in place because Ghost/Angel/Wolf/G33k/etc group members were leaving their comments open and getting spammed by other users trying to spam points, so we've had to crack down and make a new rule that all group/clan accounts MUST have their comments disabled so users cannot leave messages on those profile pages.

I've also asked AngelOfZen to help reinforce these rules. If someone can point me to the 'leader' of the Ghost/Wolf/G33k/etc clans, I'll pass it along to them as well.

15,595 posts

If someone can point me to the 'leader' of the Ghost/Wolf/G33k/etc clans, I'll pass it along to them as well.

Ghost clan leader is Ubergir. Original Angel clan leader is FreeAngel. G33k clan leader is G33kOfArmorGames. G33k leader hasn't been around in a long time, though. I've never heard of a Wolf clan.
14 posts

so uh i don't get can some1 explain it simply to me? plz so i won't be breaking any of these rules.

13,657 posts

so uh i don't get can some1 explain it simply to me?

Don't make any more than one account.
It's as simple and easy as it is. If you don't make any more accounts, then there is nothing to worry about.
2 posts

I dont really get it. The clan thing is just making another account and really, it would just be waste like as Paarfam said if you are good wouldn't you want people to know your name and not just asa "ghostof", "Angelof". I thinkeveryone should rethink this whole thing.

2,891 posts

can some1 explain it simply to me?

Simply put: if you want to track the progress of a multiplayer game, like Exit Path, Colony, etc., and have a username for a group/clan, you are allowed ONE alternate account for each game.

Your old account is called your "main" account and is the only account allowed to post messages. Alternate accounts for games are NOT permitted to post ANY kind of message on the site.

You have to change the biography on your 'main' account to tell everyone who your alternate account is and for which game. On your alternate account, the biography must tell us who your 'main' account is, and the comments on that profile MUST be closed so it cannot receive messages.
2,891 posts

Folks, lets be clear about our alternate account rule:

You can ONLY have an alternate account for playing a multiplayer game, and ONLY if that alternate account is to join a group/clan. And the alternate account(s) MUST comply with the rules laid out in my opening message, or they will be banned.

You are otherwise NOT permitted to have an alternate account for other purposes on Armor Games.

Once AG3 launches the groups/clans feature, NO alternate accounts will be permitted.

18 posts

I'm having trouble creating an alternate account, since when I fill in all the info required, it tells me that that E-mail is in use

15,595 posts

You can't use the same e-mail for more than one account.

18 posts

Never mind that, I simply made another E-mail for this purpose

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