ForumsThe Tavern[april fools 2011] *ANNOUNCEMENT* Firing a Mod

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11,891 posts

The administration has come to the conclusion that the current Moderation Team is infeasible and inefficient. There has been much friction over the last several months between the moderators and users that has created an indelible rift in the current state of the community. Much to the chagrin of us, the moderators, the administration has called for the first user vote to de-moderate a moderator. While the experience of moderating this community hasn't always been gumdrops and rainbows, we can't say we won't miss it and that we wouldn't choose to do it again if we were given another choice.

Please vote for the moderator you wish to be de-modded and follow these rules when posting in this thread:

-Replies should only contain a moderator name.
-Replies containing a non-moderator name will be deleted.
-Replies with anything more than just a moderator's name will be -deleted.
-One vote per user, multiple replies of any sort disqualifies ALL of your replies.

Voting will be open until the end of the month.

  • 94 Replies
Showing 151-150 of 94