ForumsWEPRFun talk about sweet stuff candy etc. lol

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I was sort of bored so i tought why not make a new topic?

  • 56 Replies
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Flipski, I would have to agree on most of those accounts. People don't realize how you actually need calories, need carbs, and need fat to be healthy. It is just all in moderation that you need to eat these things. As with most things, they are better in moderation.

Personally, I love to eat! Food is wonderful. If I had my way, I would eat rich food all the time. But the fact is, unless you want to be very overweight, it isn't logical or good for you. But you can eat good food and sweets, you just have to be smart and responsible about it.

And Fil... I have to admit, not all fake food is gross. I know it is awful for you, but for particular things I have a soft spot. For example, Taco Bell nacho cheese. I am sure it is filled with awful things, but it tastes so good. It is bad for me, I know. But it tastes soooo good. Granted, real cheese is better... but every once and a while, you have to have a little something that is bad for you ;-)

83 posts

I like food but its for nourishment not enjoyment

74 posts

Hmm well you can't live with out sweet stuff think a bout it:

What is some one has eaten to much sugar and has got a disease from it(dunno what is it called in english,anyways when some one falls down and faints he could be waked up by a peace of candy,so we should always have some candy with us,b/c it calms you down,and i have heard that chocolate candy can cure hiccups,of course you could just drink some water,that has fourid in it.So that is not healthy water anymore.By the way if soy tastes like meat,then why the heck would you want to and chocolate to it????That would be like backing bakon and isntead of adding oil you add chocolate.

10,816 posts

Believe it or not, R4in3r5, people do that sometimes (have you ever watched the US version of Iron Chef?) And combine chicken with waffles and syrup. And deep-fry Mars-Bars.

I mean, let's have a more mainstream example. Let's think about chips and the crazy flavors they emulate!

Anyhow, I believe the disease name you're looking for is currently known as Type II diabetes.

10,816 posts

Oh, Flip, what kind of distance do you run? Sugar cubes will give you a good initial boost but I imagine past a certain stage you'll have depleted the glucose and glycogen reserves.

Personally I think a dietary awareness is a great asset- I also find I get more out of life when I eat right, because that means I also exercise right (as a breakdancer, this is important!) We get a kick out of fatty/sweet foods because back in the day being able to eat that was rare. But no longer, so now we run rampant!

I no longer eat artificial foods, with the exception of stress binges when I just need to chew on something. Even then I prefer biscuits and chocolate and lay the heck off the chips and the candy. I don't do so well with e621. Also, I stopped drinking most artificial juices and soft-drink and have developed a great fondness for...wait for it...water.

I think the bottom line is this right now:

* Exercise at least 15 minutes a day, 6 days a week.
* Organized activity is even better.
* 2L of water a day is good.
* A general diet should consist, in energy terms, of at least 55% carbs, about 15% protein (if I remember right) and 35% or less fat, but changes depending on your metabolism and needs. Of the fats, less than a third of that is allowed to be saturated (the less, the better).
* 2 standard drinks of alcohol a day lowers your cardiovascular risk. Any more increases it...but any regular alcohol consumption increases your risk of liver disease!
* Smoking is almost invariably bad for your health. Best not to do it ever.
* Artifical foods may be associated with contributing to the rising prevalence of food allergies.

eh, this list could go on for ages. I'll stop now :3

74 posts

@strop:Really?Do people combine sweets with meat and so?That sounds crazy i mean come on then why is there a show called iron chef?You might as well put chicken then add sugar scones ice tea sirup and all that other stuff....wounder what would it taste like?Say chicken baked in chocolate sauce with sprincles on it....

325 posts

You know, there are those health nuts out there that never eat at McDonalds or consume anything with *such and such* fats, carbs, etc, just so they can live to be one hundred and five. Woop-tee-do. Most of the people I know who obsesse like that are in worse shape than me.

I mean, one should eat those 'fun' foods sparingly, but to never just have a little indulgence in one's favorite foods.... a little radical, in my opinion.

10,816 posts

Well, the original Iron Chef was in fact the name of a Japanese cooking show in which this crazy Japanese dude hired three of Japan's greatest chefs ever to form a team that was challenged by some of the greatest chefs around the world. That show actually packs a lot of punch and the cooking there requires a lot of innovation and ingenuity to incorporate a strange ingredient into every dish of a meal.

The Japanese version is very high profile. The US version, I'm not so sure.

At any rate, I don't think there's necessarily a strict divide between what ought to be put in a dish...sometimes the combination apparently works. But a certain sense does need to be employed... the time my brother tossed in bicarb soda, pepper, salt, chilli, coffee grains and a tea bag into my hot chocolate and said it would be awesome.

@ Homebo- I mean Homegrove, yeah, I totally get you there. We can't exactly predict what's better for our body, and given the complexity of the checks and balances, trying to impose some arbitrarily simple rule is more likely to be unhealthy. One of my family friends actually gave herself a gastric ulcer while preaching to us that we needed to eat more fruits! (And she happened to forget that citric acid is kinda strong.)

Moderation is perfectly fine...unless you have an allergy that gives you anaphylactic shock everytime you touch like, peanut products or something.

I actually eat Maccas/Burger King/KFC etc. about once every quarter, more if I'm really busy. But I simply don't feel like doing that anymore, because food high in lipids + a ton of carbs makes me feel very sluggish and a bit ick. So it's hardly a punishment when I avoid it.

325 posts

You are absolutly right, Strop. My body just does not go to well with products from Burger King and the like >_> I eat one of their burgers, and I say, "Oh boy, this is really good!" A half-hour later, I do not feel so well anymore haha.

And some people's bodys just do not go well with certain foods, depending on their blood types. I have done a good amount of reading on what foods blood types should/should not eat, and it is surprisingly accurate. Myself, wheat does not hold up in a good way in my body (normally making me exceedingly tired), but I still indulge in it, just not as often as I do with other foods.

10,816 posts

Oh! Fascinating!

And some people's bodys just do not go well with certain foods, depending on their blood types. I have done a good amount of reading on what foods blood types should/should not eat, and it is surprisingly accurate.

One of my classmates actually told me she was doing some reading on this. Could you be so good as to pass some references my way?

I still haven't worked out what food actually has me up and going. All I know is that I feel best when my bowel movements are regular and pleasantly firm. But you all really wanted to know that.
74 posts

It is ok if you eat like 1 or 2 burgers a month,just remember:

Don't get use to it!
If you stick to that you will be ok.....
And yes i like to have a burger some time like i said 1 or 2 times a month.They taste great,but i don't eat them always like some Americans,i have heard that like more than 50% of Americans have a weight problem.

10,816 posts

more than 50% of Americans have a weight problem.

Correct. The same is the case in Australia (and maybe the UK?)

Here, overweight is defined as having a Body-Mass Index of over 24.


Your BMI is a loose (note, loose) indication of the ratio of your mass to your height. Here's how you calculate it:

BMI = M/(h^2)

Where M is your mass in kilograms, and h is your height in meters (yes, the world runs on metrics).

For adults (if you're not an adult you should expect to get slightly lower values):

<20 is underweight
20-24 is considered healthy
24-27 is considered slightly overweight
27-30 is considered moderately overweight
30+ is considered obese.

There are exceptions to this, though. Some people are naturally heavier than others and not necessarily any fatter. George Clooney, for example, had a BMI of 30 at one point and he certainly didn't look it. Muscle is also heavier than fat, so if you're ripped (like Arnie used to be), you can also expect a BMI around the 30+ range. But these aren't particularly common exceptions.

These days though, we're (I mean doctors, of which I am not actually yet one) are having to define classes of obesity due to the rise in number of cases of people having BMIs of waaaaay over 30. For example we consider 40+ to be "morbidly obese"...a BMI of 60 is "super super obese" at which point, I do have to ask. What's the point?

Note that these values are not entirely stable. They're based on normals which is largely defined by the population. So too is risk (as risk is a relative thing), so at this rate, I expect to see these values rise...which means that my BMI of 21 (being a lean-mean kung-fu machine) may soon be considered "underweight", to which I say pish!
74 posts

Oh my gosh over weight must be some sort of epidemic now a days...and now even Australia?What will people be like in the future?By the way i was in Germany a week ago or so,and i saw a fat kid at McDonnalds(probably spellt that wrong)he was like dunno 6-8 years old and he was like a walking meat ball and he had an ice cream,he was stuffing his face with it...the horor i just wanted to take away that ice cream and say to that kid:

Stop eating so much at McDonnalds,what would you be in the future if you constantly would eat like that?

10,816 posts

Oh my gosh over weight must be some sort of epidemic now a days

Once again you absolutely hit the nail on the head. There are now entire medical conferences that focus on the issue of the global obesity epidemic. I am not joking. It is so significnt (yes, in the UK too...especially in the UK) that in first world countries, obesity is now one of, if not the leading causes of the primary causes of death, and in 2006 (or was it 2007), for the first time in decades, the average life expectancy in the UK fell, due to the burden of disease caused by obesity.

Make no joke of it, obesity is a huge problem in terms of healthcare, as it is increasing the load, which is why doctors and many others are now racking their brains about how to stop it.

I think the most effective outlook on this is to realise that directing negative feelings towards those that are overweight is not the right thing to do. We do, however, need to instill a sense of lifestyle that seems to have gone missing, and it seems the biggest places to start is to rein in the rampant capitalist mindset (again, no joke), and to mold the minds of the people through education.

Call me a communist, but if you give a population this kind of freedom, they will wallow in it.
74 posts

The only thing i know on how to stop the over weight problem exercise,of course the human has have to have some will power to solve his own problem.

For now lots of fat Americans will just have to live on.
I don't think they have the will power to solve they`r problem....
I'm not saying this is funny.Fat people are unhappy i feel sorry for them.

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