I think it's my pick again so... I choose someone called jets99. He is a user in this website. I forget the random numbers at the end of his gamer tag but his psn is fedoraman.
I just play Infected on Fallen with these frickin noobs using spilt-screen. The guest one was infected and was blocking off everyone in the building with one room while the not infected guy was camping and killing everyone. I wasn't stupid enough to try to get pass to guest, but everyone else was and the guy got a MOAB and then I left. I can't believe people would be that noobish to get a MOAB.
You should dashboard when people do that, think it only works if you're host though. But didn't they include throwing knives in all games? Yesterday when I played they were in all the games I played.
Auggy. Happened to me. Lie down behind the second player. The other either won't shoot you, or will attempt to and kill his other player. OR, he'll come close enough for you to knife him through a gap. Happened to me.
ok something strange has been happening to me recently. i was just standing their in infected when i randomly died and was but on the infected team. i was not the first infected and no one killed me. it showed the little skull and it said snowman next to it. why?
I love this game. Just stand in a low traffic area where one person will see. He will come forward to knife you but before he can, drop shot and put a claymore down. Then quit the game. You can't do it twice in one lobby.
But didn't they include throwing knives in all games?
Yeah, but he was camping where we couldn't see him and he was popping his head out once in a while and got a couple kills every time. Not really sure what happen when I tried to post before.