I am not ashamed to admit two things about my life. One, I am a Christian. Second, I am bisexual. I am a Libertarian at heart, and I believe in equal social rights for all.
I have heard church propaganda over and over again about how it is immoral to be gay, or to engage in any homosexual activity. The pastor at the Lutheran church that I used to go to has said, "Gays are immoral and will burn in hell." Most right-wing "Christians" will say the same thing. In high school, I fell into the same trap. I tried to repress those homosexual desires. I spoke out about immoral the gays were, and that the government should only be filled with Christians who would create a perfect Christian society.
It was my first year of college that I finally stopped fooling myself. I had repressed my desires for nearly 3 years. It is time for right-wing "Christian" politicians to accept that homosexuality is a biological function. There is no choice in sexuality. If sexuality is a choice, can straight people change to being gay? No! So why do anti-gay groups think gays can become straight? There is no 'on/off' switch that can be flipped to change sexuality.
What these anti-gay groups should be focusing on is not gays. I donât know the exact figures, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of references to helping the poor in the Bible, while there are a dozen or so references condemning homosexuality. A real Christian would not spend his/her time condemning homosexuals; instead they should help the poor, needy, and less-fortunate.
i honestly don't have a major problem with gays but i do resent them slightly. i wouldn't mistreat them unless they hit on me. gays deserve equal rights. yes i am Christian, but you have to look at it like this:
yes there is some part of homosexuality that biological but this attraction/thought process is created and taught at young age in the brain caused by the society we live in and the people who raise us.
i believe that there is some hatred towards gays and yes it is mostly from Christians. Christians need to stop hating and start helping gays to change and possibly come to Christ, all humans are sinners, Christian, gay, or neither... and looking down on gays is hypocritical. technically the poor and the needy aren't as entirely important as gays, although they may be as better off they could be religious w/ or w/o money. but gays are sinners and need to be shown the word of god. is till think we should help the poor and needy but we should turn gays away from god because of who they are.
wow craze real insightful don't go to San Fran unless u want to get ur ass beat. Anywho, I really don't see a problem in being gay or bi, some of my friends are gay and lesbian and I dont care at all. it was really funny when my friend simion came out of the closet and when he told me he was so nervous. but I didn't even care and i still go over to his house sleep at his place when my parents aren't home and it's not like he tries to rape me or any thing so I really don't see the big deal
you are truly NOT a christian and you speak lies, honestly I think your an idiot only lieing to yourself, and your listening to satan. You will burn in hell if you are gay and you dont repent because in the bible it says that Homosexuality is a pervision and blasphemy against God.
uhh basha your a serious idiot yourself, because the bible is the leading religion with the MOST evidence in the whole world, and I'm doing a debate about if God exists or not so check it out to get your mind in check.
@Basha uhhh dude there are hundreds of documents proving Jesus lived, and there are documents from the roman empire about the crusifixion so you dont know what your talking about kid
@kane Being a homosexual is something you decide, theres nothing that MAKES you be homesexual
@both of you I can't debate with stupidity sorry it just doesn't work if someone is too stuborn to listen to the truth
i'm not denying that jesus was real i'm just saying that there is no proof that god is real and being gay isn't a choice it,s because that person has an overactive estragen gland (and yes all guys produce estrogen) or vice verca for girls
redbedhead makes a good point that it's usually fruitless to argue with stupidity, but I find it ironic that he's the one that brought that up...
There are not, actually, "hundreds" of documents, that prove Jesus existed. In fact, the only contemporary records were have are 4 Roman tax records that state a carpenter named Yeshua lived in the Roman territory of Palestine in what we would call the 20s AD. There are no contemporary account of miracles, none of gatherings, none of preachings. All the gospels were written decades after he is claimed to have died. Did a person whose name would transliterate in "Jesus" exist about 2000 years ago? Most likely. Does that mean god exists and Christianity is the one true path? HA!
We've also never found a bone from Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, or Siddhartha Gatuma. Did you have a point about that?
@BASHA: thanks for iterating that homosexuality is not a choice. Some of the cause is hormonal, and some of it is changes in brain structure that are caused in the womb.
I'm really amazed anyone can think homosexuality is a choice. These people believe that someone chooses to be ostracized, abused, and legislated against? Yea, just like those black people chose to have dark skin.