The more you wait before massively adopting other energy means, the better for the economy. The natural energy technologies are improving rapidly and the damage in adopting them decreases as time goes. The best course of action would be to adopt them in the last moment.
Yeah. Look at how much solar pannels have improved in the last few years. If the technology keeps improving so rapidly, then it does make sense to wait.
Obama has broken too many promises that have also come from previous administrations such as GWB's SIGNED letter to Israel giving full US support to post-1967 borders. Also, he did not close Guantanimo Bay, but that was because he couldn't find any prisons willing to take the terrorists.
obama HAS BROKEN TOO MANY PROMISES..... idk why hes evn spending soo much $ for OTHER COUNTRYS while he should be focusing on the United States(my countrys) 13.5 TRILLION DOLLARS!!!!! hes doing too much...i personally think congress should overthrow him and get a new president.... i cant wait for the next election!!
Political reasons, Technicalities. I can only see two promises he did fill. Making being a homo legal, and making people pay for someone else's abortion. Wow. So impressed. Now I CAN'T call the cops when a nieghbor dude hits on me. Arse.
Yeah, and also he keeps doing things that are raising our national debt. I forgot where, but there is a website that shows our current national debt, and its going up every second. And were STILL trying to pay off debts from when the French helped us in the 17&/or 1800's !
I don't see many instances of -braking- promises, unless being generally inactive counts. I am displeased with his inaction, even though I understand 4 years in a screwed up world isn't enough time. That said, I still would have liked him to get a ball rolling. But that hasn't happened.
Well first off I'm just a 14 year old kid and even I understand whats going wrong, my parents are all for Obama but I can't stand his hypocritical ways.
How him and congress want to raise the debt ceiling AGAIN is bologna. I understand that you have to spend money to make money, but we are already nearly 15 trillion in debt. Not to mention all the money we owe China and all the other countries.
Obama wants to give Greece money to help bail them out, but shouldn't we worry about ourselves first?
Obama also wanted to pull troops out of Iran and Iraq, I do admit that he did do some of that, but then he goes and attacks Libya? I thought him a Muamar Al Qadafi were friends. If he wanted to bring soldiers back so quick, why was he so hasty at sending them in to stop riots in Libya and Syria. There was not a war or anything, Those countries may have had a civil war. But, that's a CIVIL war not a world war, let them take care of it not us.
Also Obama and Congress pull the race card whenever they can, and they have most news organizations in there pocket.