so the dictatorship has ended. what do you think that will happen next? is the country stable enoufg to make a democracy? or can it fall back under a new dictatorship? a civil war for power maybe?
nut yes we'll have a democracy there, it's what the people wanted all along
This is not such a simple case. Egypt has for months been rid of Mubarak but the generals are still in charge essentially. It's still a long hard road to democracy and if anything the Middle East has proven in its post-colonial history is that they and democracy generally do not mix.
A bit like oil and water. Ignore the dry joke.
Let us bear in mind that the Council that governs Libya now has been brought together by a multitude of factions, there is no single strong group. What I think might happen and what I fear is that the country further fractures into tiny areas governed by multiple groups. Look at past examples, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc just to name a few.
Oh one more thing. I would like to see what NATO does now, that Gaddafi has been removed. Another Iraq possibly?
There are ministers in The Netherlands who want the Dutch troops to leave the country so i don't know what the Nato will decide hope they retreat most troops.
Meh. In my opinion, NATO should stay until a single government is formed. SO IT WON'T BECOME ANOTHER AFGHANISTAN. ...And Obama wins one again. I have to say, our president, while not being quite the fixer-upper of our economy, has ousted a ton of terrorist leaders and such.
I don't know what will happen next. But I won't set my hopes too high. Libya went through hard times, and it won't stop now just because ol' grimface is gone. I wish the national transition council will keep its promises and do what they can to instore a democracy, but the way to there is full of obstacles..
from what I have seen over the news, it is a very delicate situation. a single political gust of wind could knock down the entire structure known as libya. chances are that there will be attempts at democracy, but those will fail due to some kind of corruption, another civil war will start, and some other dictator will take the throne(Btw, if I am right, then that means I am awesome and you have to say so on my profile).
There are ministers in The Netherlands who want the Dutch troops to leave the country so i don't know what the Nato will decide hope they retreat most troops.
the dutch do not have troops in the country. the ONLY thing the dutch did was protecting the no-fly zone. by flying around alot (but not bombing a single target) and whit radarships near the coastline.
.And Obama wins one again. I have to say, our president, while not being quite the fixer-upper of our economy, has ousted a ton of terrorist leaders and such.
1st obama starts bombing the place and right after it say's. "this is not my war. europe/nato go fix it." and then when it's done in a few months (not 10 year ) obama is the winner? WTF is up whit that? wanting to be the hero again?
Gaddafi is dead, but Sirte is a field of ruins:
I don't know what will happen next. But I won't set my hopes too high. Libya went through hard times, and it won't stop now just because ol' grimface is gone. I wish the national transition council will keep its promises and do what they can to instore a democracy, but the way to there is full of obstacles..
^my thoughts exactly. especialy because there are so many different groups in the country that do not all wich the same rules. but the fact most of them want democracy is good hope. but some1 should disarm them. if they do not get disarmed then it can become bloody. (it wont be the 1st time)
The people need to stay in control. Like in Egypt, they won and kept right on protesting.
egypt never became a warzone. the situation in both countrys are different.
1st obama starts bombing the place and right after it say's. "this is not my war. europe/nato go fix it." and then when it's done in a few months (not 10 year ) obama is the winner? WTF is up whit that? wanting to be the hero again?
I mean yeah, he did stay out of the conflict at the start and now he does this.