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yes like the hit game Left 4 Dead i'm making the RPG of it ! like most of the zombie games, except different >_>.

so if you don't understand wtf is going on you can play a zombie or a survivor, but you start out small time, a normal zombie and a guy who just fell into the whole survivor thing. not some tank, or some guy with three machineguns and a nade launcher with body armor, NO!

well if your outa ideas for zombies if you wanna play one, here are some examples (from the game)

Spitter: spits acid, is a very quiet infected, but isn't very fact and can be easily tracked by the spittle of acid it leaves

Boomer: a slow big target, spits goo that attracts lesser zombies

Jockey: a small fast moving zombie, can jump on and control zombies but is rather weak

still can't think of anything? ask me :P

well let me get to sheet

Physical Desc.: 3 things, for a zombie put your old selves image, no mutations
Personality:at least 3, zombies here have their own personality, AND can talk only to other zombies
Weapons: nothing more than small pistols, no chainsaws!
Armor: Any clothes for both survivors and zombies
Misc.: 3 things, nothing special
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

i think that's it get to joining!

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