ForumsSupport ForumLocked Topic Clog

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... no, I'm not talking about a dance. Though that may be fun.

I have noticed recently a sudden influx in locked topics. It really irritates me, because... well mainly because it shows that a lot of people have no self-direction when it comes to asking questions and immediately post something on the forums. Aside from that, it bothers me because many good comments get bumped down and blocked from the first page by these locked comments (especially on the S&S section).

I don't know much about forums, but I know that there can be many different options. If this is even a viable suggestion, I think it would be nice if we could chose a view that doesn't show locked topics. It is sometimes good to see them, to see why they were locked, or to see the conclusion of something, but it would be nice if you could switch to a view that blocked the locked topics so that you didn't have to search for so long to find a good, conversational topic.

  • 17 Replies
536 posts

We get that, which makes perfect sense, (and i love the kitteh!) but it would still help if there were a separate view so some of us could make it to were we don't see the locked ones, so they aren't in our ways, you could still leave them there for people to see who want to see there topic

266 posts

ya way too much..there should be a limit

Showing 16-17 of 17