ForumsWEPRMad Cow Diseased (BSE)

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I've been researching about Mad cow disease also known as BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. harsh words.)because, theres been news about South Korea buying BSE cows. I'm Korean and I don't believe that. I've lived in America for 5 years and i ate plenty of cow. But, stupid Korean Students spread the biggest rumor of all Korean internet history. Surprisingly even some adults believe it (80% students, 20% adults). This forced our president to cancle buying America cow. America (Bush) said that if you stop buying our cow, we'll not sell cars or/and other products to you. I saw this rather annoying.
The reason people are so scared about BSE is that when you eat it, your organs, specialy your brain, apearing holes and will become like sponge. BSE happens when cows eat meat. people tought cows just eating grass doesn't taste good. so they put a lil meat in their feed. this method spread around the world. even though they discovered there is a chance for BSE, they kept doing it. There is NO cure for this and the tiny zombie things that eat these brains are way smaller then viruses. So even though you cook it or freeze it, the brain eating zombies won't die. the good thing is that you only get infected when you eat a certain part. the brain, spine and the digestive system. but there still is a chance you will get infected when you eat any part (o.o2%).

  • 4 Replies
623 posts

Ya its a really messed up thing. They fed cows with their dead cousins remains. Cows are not carnivores, so when force fed other animals, it does weird things to them. And then affecting us. There was a big scare about this in Europe a couple years back. It's kinda scary because other people doing stuff, like feeding cows in a wrong way, is affecting everyone else.

750 posts

First, the disease is not caused by "brain eating zombies," it is caused by prions, malicious proteins able to infect cells.
Second, we generally do not feed cows meat, just their brothers ground up bones.
Third, it does not cause Bovine Spongiform Encephalopthy in humans as we are not cows, it causes Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, and you are much more likely to get it from eating other people. (It used to be common in cannibal tribes of New Guinea)
Fourth, you can cook it out... if you like your meat roasted at 2800 degrees.
Also watch out, you can contract it from sheep meat.

242 posts

necromancer makes some good points about the facts of MCD.

@Younghoo: All the controversy over cows from America/Korea going one place or another is just political posturing. It doesn't really mean anything. It's just like the Avian Flu that was supposed to kill Billions and ended up just making some chicken sick.

2,662 posts

i remember wen this happened in Uk. Didnt go to MC D's 4 a wile(dats not tru i jus had d a chiucken nuggetslol)

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