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1,649 posts

(Yes, there is already a thread on this but it's months old and thaboss would rather start anew.)

For those of you who don't know, the Inheritance Cycle is a great series of four books about dragons, magic, fighting, castles, kings, and all that good stuff.

There will be spoilers! Be warned.
This is gonna be mostly about Inheritance, the last book.

To put it in short, it was awesome. The Vault of Souls chapter was amazing, and how Eragon killed Galbatorix was pure genius. Made you understand! I really liked how, unlike some other books, after the climax, there actually was a long and satisfying (yet tearful) "falling action." It was great that Arya became the next Rider, and sad that Eragon had to leave Alagaesia. That ending part/page was particularly sad.

The only regrets I had were that Angela didn't play as big a part in Galbatorix's death than I had hoped and nothing more with Tenga happened. I think his question was the name of the Ancient Language. (Which Eragon now knows.) I think it would have been cool if Eragon had stopped by and told him.

Some questions unanswered.

What did the Menoa Tree take?
What were the seven words Brom told Eragon? ( some possibly might be Draumr kopa and/or Waise neiat.)
Who/what is Angela?
Who/what is Tenga? Gray folk descendant? (And can anyone tell me more about these Gray/grey folk?)
Did Angela steal the Belt of Beloth the Wise? (Strong indication.)

End of spoilers

So, what did you think of the series? Anything at all you want to say about it, or any information about upcoming books which may or may not be about Alagaesia.

  • 43 Replies
3,437 posts

No offence but I think the newyork times is better at giving book reviews than you

I'd like to disagree on the grounds that the New York Times maye or may not have an expert opinion. You see journalism is not the study of literature, nor does being a journalist make someone a critic. So, go find me a CRITICAL REVIEW and then tell us we're wrong.
204 posts

I beg to differ.The newyork times rates hundreds,even thousands of books,so they have planty of expirience judging books both fiction and non-fiction.Just because it's a news paper doesn't mean that they aren't good critics.It doesn't even matter what the new york times thinks.There are hundreds of thousands(probably millions)inheritance fans world wide,including me.I think it's an amazing book,and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I read it.

204 posts

Besides,agathaB(unless i'm mistaken and correct me if I am)isn't a professional book critic either.

3,437 posts

Neither am I, yet we are allowed to develop an informed opinion are we not? Are we not entitled to analyze and judge the worth of Paolini's work? It does not take an expert to see that the man has little talent.

What you seem to fail to realize is that success does not make something good.

204 posts

You are.Forgive me for that.However the book has sold so many copys,because people like it,and if so many people like it, that means it's good.At least I know I wouldn't buy a book if it wasn't good,would you?

1,649 posts

Well, yeah, and thaboss loves them too. And everyone can have their opinion on whether it's good or not. Thaboss thinks it's good, but quails under superior knowledge. But it's like this:

Paolini's is not great literature, make no mistake. You can like the books, certainly, no one will mind - I for example love the Harry Potter books, regardless of how outright stupid they can get. Just don't expect everyone to like or even respect them. The Inheritance Cycle is a fantasy of a young boy - that's all it should have been.

And AgathaB did say that he/she was a lit major.

Being a lit major is sometimes really tiresome
204 posts

I don't want to argue I just like it alot,and it's alright if others don't.

154 posts

And AgathaB did say that he/she was a lit major.

She. And I may not be a professional book critic yet, but I'm well on my way to becoming one.

And all the points everyone else brought about regarding the quotes from various newspapers are valid. So I don't need to add anything else.

I don't want to argue I just like it alot,and it's alright if others don't.

Just as it's alright for me not to like it. As I pointed out previously, there are lots of things I enjoy that other people don't and that even I objectively recognise as 'bad'. My response was mostly based on thaboss' flawed assertion (which he later acknowledged as flawed) that books in which the protagonist doesn't win are necessarily bad and that people would hate them. I didn't set out with the express purpose of flaming Paolini's work. My concerns about his books are valid. Doesn't mean I myself didn't enjoy reading them.

Just that I consider them a guilty pleasure.
102 posts

The similarities between the Wheel of Time series and the inheritance cycle are quite evident. Interesting considering that the former was published almost 13 years before the latter.

2,520 posts

Inheritance sucked. Galbatorix was unmoving and weak, and the last fifty pages or so were unsatisfying to say the least. I'm bitterly disappointed.

2 posts

Inheritance sucked. Galbatorix was unmoving and weak, and the last fifty pages or so were unsatisfying to say the least. I'm bitterly disappointed.

If you want books with active Galbatorix then I advise these, there are 2 books of Galbatorix before the cycle.(From White to Black; The Shadowed Throne)
After these continue only if you are not someone who loves that side that wins in Inheritance.
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