ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Trading Post!

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I figure no forum is quite complete without a thread for people to trade art.

Here's how it works- you can:

* Request a picture.
* Say that you're available to draw a picture.
* Organise a 'trade' i.e. you draw a picture for somebody else and they draw one for you.

Then people can contact each other based on posts here to figure out what they want and how to do it.

I am not sure what the policy on accepting money for services is here, but if it is not disallowed I'm thinking maybe there's room for that here too i.e. commissions.

RULES- because I need to cover my butt:

* You cannot request material that is classified as obscene or otherwise illegal.
* You should not post personal details that can identify you here.
* You may not infringe copyright- all credit must be given where it is due.

If embedding the art here, remember that images are capped to 600px width!


Okay, I'll kick off: I'm available to draw a quick sketch for somebody. First come first serve, and you must tell me what you want!

  • 14 Replies
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