74 | 844K |
Play game
Feb 25, 2009
Venture into space! Exploring distant planets and solving their puzzles to change the way the world views you, become a hero!
Each planet has a puzzle to solve, when you figure out what it is and solve it the planet will regain color and the screen will flash.
Aether is an "Art Game" about personal childhood feelings and experiences. Please keep and open mind when playing, relax and enjoy the game.
If the game is running slow for you, there is a link on the title screen to a standalone PC/Mac version that will run a lot faster on slower computers.
Edmund McMillen = Design/Art
Tyler Glaiel = Programing/Design/Music
Visit www.glaielgames.com for other games by Glaiel!
ASDW = Move and jump.
Mouse click = Shoot out your grapple tongue to grab onto clouds, swing around to throw yourself into space, release the mouse to let go. Keep in mind with enough momentum you can swing all the way around.
96 | 29M |
96 | 1M |
96 | 12 | 4M |
97 | 1 | 376K |
96 | 7M |
98 | 615K |
96 | 7 | 5M |
95 | 6 | 2M |
95 | 12M |
95 | 6 | 7M |