ForumsThe TavernMotivation

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125 posts

Note: I'm on my phone so excuse my grammar/writing

I kind of starting rambling on below, skip past it if you want.


Recently I was listening to my brother (Who acts like a philosopher at the agr 12) and he asked me to do something. Basically he said that he wants me to question my motivation for everything I did for a day. After doing it, I realised that it opens your eyes. Being young I didn't really have many important jobs I had to do, but it did change how I look at everything now. I realise that most of the things I do have a really weird way of being important.

A good example of this is why I was doing my chemistry homework. I'm a big procrastinator but for some reason I always do my chemistry early. After some thought I realised because I needed to ask the teacher a favour. This meant that I sub consciously thought about this without knowing. I reccomend anyone to try questioning your motivation for a day. It really helps you understand yourself.



Question your motivation for everything for a day. Post if you found out something different about yourself.

Also, are you usually motivated or do you usually put off big tasks and don't do things. I'm personally not really self-motivated.

Also this is my first thread so if I did something wrong, tell me.

  • 7 Replies
14,745 posts

I get up out of bed -> to drink my coffee -> to wake up properly -> to be alert -> to be able to work all day -> to go home and have food on my plate -> to have a nice life without trouble -> and to be able sleep at night -> ...<<<rewind and press play again.

To break down life into little brackets and take a closer look? Something like that? =)

14,745 posts

Sorry for the double post, but my post didn't show the way I intended... it seems that putting '<' three times in a row makes for the text behind it to dissapear apparently! (o.O)


This is how it should have been:

I get up out of bed -> to drink my coffee -> to wake up properly -> to be alert -> to be able to work all day -> to go home and have food on my plate -> to have a nice life without trouble -> and to be able sleep at night -> ...<<rewind and press play again.

To break down life into little brackets and take a closer look? Something like that? =)

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Who needs motivation when the rat race of life forces you to just go along with the flow even against your will? Don't exactly have a choice whether I want to work or go to school....

I find reflection more necessary, at least just before I drift off to sleepland.

125 posts

Can someone tell me how to quote people? I'll just reply without it.

Yep that's it DayCee (Can I call you that)

Except usually one thing doesn't lead to another, you may get 1 or 2 like that but usually it's.

I wake up > to study > to get grades > to get a job

I post here when I'm supposed to be studying > Because I enjoy interaction > Because I meet nice people

And start again. Also it usually goes very fast through your head and you don't spend much time thinking.


Well actually nichodemus I found that even things like unwanted forced tasks had a small motivation. I think when I did this the first time I spent an hour wondering why I did one thing.

To be honest, you're actually reflecting anyway. Except only about your motivation.

5,340 posts

Who needs motivation when the rat race of life forces you to just go along with the flow even against your will? Don't exactly have a choice whether I want to work or go to school....

unfortunately i agree with that... i guess you really cant motivate yourself unless you have a goal (and even then... its really difficult for lazy people like me XP)
1,673 posts

Hmmm interesting thread. I'm not really sure about my motivation on a lot of things. I'll try today I guess if I don't forget :P

I can think of some now.

I go to summer running> to get more conditioned> to be ready for track and other sports

I play/practice soccer> to get better [Wait what do I do if it has dual motivation?] and because it's fun > so I'll be ready for school team tryouts in August.

I eat> because food tastes good, and because I'm hungry a lot.

Getting into some more smaller things now:

I brush my teeth> because I'm forced to> but also because I want to> to make my teeth not that dirty

Strange strange strange....

To quote, press the blue "quote" button on the very right of the buttons about where you type your text. Press once before the text you want to quote, and once after to end the quote.

Or you could type (without the little dots) [.quote] (text) [./quote]

1,673 posts

*above where you type your text I mean sorry.

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