ForumsThe TavernGantic Gigantic

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11,891 posts

From the moderator who brought you Gantic Romantic, comes the highly anticipated non-sequel sequel Gantic Gigantic. Free of ranting and passive aggression, Gantic Gigantic takes an candid look at what it takes to become awesome. The unbiased review written in first person treks over well-trodden territory with a surprising freshness and a hint of parsley. Written with accessibility in mind, the message is simple but poignant and the lessons leave an indelible mark. By drawing on his past experiences once more in an open and honest manner and reflecting on his time here at Armor Games, he seeks to explore the highs, the lows, and the highs again as well as the wide and narrow with a nonsensical no-nonsense attitude riddled with excellence. It is far too often that a person becomes overly disillusioned that laughing at one's self is beyond impossible. Gantic Gigantic seeks to dispell such airs to elevate users with undeniable truths as the catalysts for reflection -- on the self as well as the community of which one is part.

Be awesome Friday nights at 11 pm AGT, starting June 29th.

  • 19 Replies
3,137 posts

its a non sequel sequel.

i totally understand but does it involve Gantic Romantic or not... im interested in reading but honestly don't feel like reading its prelude.

3,766 posts

The unbiased review

*Coughs* *Sputters* *Starts laughing out of control*
I don't think it is unbiased.

And isn't this a post about a user, just in story form. Wouldn't that not be allowed?
11,891 posts

It's not related to Gantic Romantic except in name. It's not about me. It's about being awesome. Supposedly. Given that the most of the blurb is puffery, that might be questionable.

I'm one for a bit of glam and one-man showmanship. You might say Gantic's pageantic. It will be clear come Friday what this thread is about. Yes, it's a topic that's been done to death, but it can't hurt to add some personal flair.

It's got paladins and lovable rogues. Probably metaphorically. Dragons, too.

4,170 posts

I'm one for a bit of glam and one-man showmanship.

That's a bit obvious. Your writing style is remarkable and recognizable.

As for the thread's sake, I guess I'd better add my personal opinion.

A chronicle of the user's quest to become awesome, eh? From the low-down noob to the coveted king? Sounds like an interesting read as it isn't coming from the perspective of a 12 year-old who's been here for 3 months. I like the idea as it is told in a way that is compatible to The Tavern, as opposed to the AMW.

Excellent introduction. Can't wait.
1,673 posts

After reading the first three or so parts I think of Gantic Romantic, and delving into the entries and so on for awhile, I'm pretty excited.

*Coughs* *Sputters* *Starts laughing out of control*
I don't think it is unbiased.

Is anything unbiased?
1,824 posts

Quest for awesomeness? From street-waste to High King? Count me in! Also, is this an autobiography or autobiography-turned-story or story of oneself?
Anyway, I will pay attention to this thread and will never be distracted-OOOOOOH! Coffee! Ta ta, suckers! It's mine!

11,891 posts

Well, now clearly, you've all the wrong idea. Being a king does not amount to awesomeness.

11,891 posts

There are many places to start on the path of awesomeness. Gantic Gigantic will be broken down into four parts:

Part I: Be Excellent to Each Other
Part II: Knowing You Know Nothing
Part III: Dust in the Wind
Part IV: Party on, Dudes!

Each part will consist of multiple chapters. The first part starts next week. This is only a short introduction. The title to each part is from one of the best movies ever. If there is anything to be taken from that movie, it is "Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!" And if there were only one rule to follow on any forum it would be "Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!"

Part I: Be Excellent to Each Other begins next Friday, July 6th at 11 pm AGT.

4,710 posts

Part II: Knowing You Know Nothing

that is something that i do since my birth.
3,152 posts

I recommend putting my username in the thread title, since I am the exact definition of awesome.

LoL Looks like this might even be awesome. Knowing You Know Nothing seems to be right down my alley, but you can't know you know nothing, because you would know something, so you wouldn't know nothing... I think I made a point in there somewhere.

11,891 posts

that is something that i do since my birth.

Knowing You Know Nothing seems to be right down my alley,

It's frickin' Bill and Ted right here.
11,891 posts

I apologize in advance for the substandard quality and lack of coherency.

Part I: Be Excellent to Each Other


Be excellent to each other means just that. It isn't simply, "Don't be a jerk to people." but "Be excellent to people." While that I hold to be universal, this entry is not. Changing outlook is an opportunity to change self. What makes being excellent to people difficult is when people are being unexcellent. Even if we are excellent to people being unexcellent, it is harder to see that we treat different people differently. This is not a bad thing, but we regard regulars as regulars, newbies as newbies, moderators as moderators, etc. The distinction is circumstantial but we naturally stratify at all times anyway, even if beyond the labels, we're just people. We all are regardless of our circumstances.

Treat people as people. We meet people that make us want to be better people, whether they are role models, that cute girl that sits across the room, or just someone who is better than us and treats people well. We know who these people are. We feel their effect on us. We treat these people better than other people. If we can treat everyone as well as we treat these people, then this is a good step in the right direction. This is not a call to be Lawful Stupid or Stupid Good, but to be Awesome Good. Awesome Good is the way you treat your best of friends. That is not to say you should treat everyone as you treat your friends. There are things you can get away with with your friends that might not apply to other people. What it is is that you should treat everyone as well as you treat your friends.

So what am I trying to say? I am not the most approachable person. That has always been clear to me and that has always been a way I have presented myself. Standoffish. I don't participate that much in the forums that much, except in a capacity that is official or in that affected pretentious way that is best described as Gantitudinal or Gantesque or tablagent or whatever made-up-word you choose. But that hardly means I'll bite someone's head off for what may be deemed as a silly question. You don't have to be the nicest sunshiney person to treat people well. Being sarcastic and all around passive aggressive is no way to be an effective moderator or an effective person. I am not claiming that I'm not or can't be curt or tactless at times. I'm saying it doesn't hurt to be nice and helpful to people. So what if they're trolling? Or stubborn? Or just don't get it? What harm does it do you? What harm does it do? It doesn't hurt to help people who want help.

I like to believe in people. I don't care how bad people can get. I'd still believe in people. As a moderator, and as a person, I honestly don't care as long as you treat people as people and leave all agenda at the door. I'm much harsher on people who make things worse for others than someone who may be ignorant of customs. It's easy to be ignorant of customs but it's difficult to be ignorant of treating people well.

Be excellent. Be helpful. Be awesome.

Next Week: "Be Excellent to Each Other: Indemnification"

4,375 posts

I'm near heart broken to see that no one has commented on the words following from this mans mind.

Children, the fountain of knowledge has been opened to the public, come drink of it's waters, be enlightened, feel your mind sore to new heights, feel the water flow through your body and utilize the lessons inside your veins.

This dear children, is the truth you have been looking for. It is here in front of you, will you leave behind what you have searched so long for?

3,137 posts

An interesting take on it all gantic.

I think we are all guilty sometimes of being less-than-excellent to each other. I know i am... reading that made me realize what a **** i am sometimes. haha

11,891 posts

"Be good and you will be lonesome."

If I wanted to, I'd just fill this with Twain quotes. I could just replace every section with Twain quotes. All puns intended.

Everyone is unexcellent some of the time, but no one is unexcellent all of the time.

"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."

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