ForumsThe TavernFuture plans

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I realise most of the active users here are in high school, so what are your plans after that? How many options do you have? How are you going to decide what to do with yourself? For the few older users here: How did you decide what to do with yourself? What I mean by this is your career path and the things you had to do to get there. Did you plan years before or did you throw a few options around late?

I'm going to be entering my senior year of highschool in a few months, and I don't exactly know what I'm going to do after that. I have a few options: Military academy, military, or college.

I don't want to do college straight out of highschool because I've been in school all my life and I don't think I'd enjoy it. I'd like to do more exciting things, but I'm nervous.

For the military academy I'm considering West Point. That'll take four years of my life and I read when you're finished it's mandatory to serve two-five years in the military; they are paying for you to be there which is about $300k for all four years and you also receive a stipend of $900 a month. When you graduate you'll be commissioned as a second lieutenant. That'll be at least six years of my life away from my home and I'm nervous about that because I have some family problems and I won't be able to see some of my young family members grow up. I'll only be able to visit them a few times a year.

I don't know which branch of the military I want to join yet though. Suggestions would be apprecaited.

After that I'm considering something in law enforcement.

  • 21 Replies
511 posts

I want do study journalism or history or something. At least I'm sure I want to go to university but what study....? I'm not sure.

2,917 posts

You really really have to want to make a video game to actually achieve doing it, not really something you could join later after not dedicating your life to it.

I mean get hired a t a company that makes video games. I do not have the abilities to do it by myself.
115 posts

Air force.

3,137 posts

I really dont know what I want to do with my life and I think 13 was the worst time for me, 13 and 12. Reason why is that time was the worst was because I was old enough to see how ****ty the world was but too young to be able to cope with it and it was making me constantly stressed.

Haha. at 13 i had Zero stress. i was realizing that the world was not perfect but who cares. i was 13. i could still just go into my room and hide from it all in the safety of my own home. I still have zero stress, maybe im just a laid back type of person.

As for my future. I really want to go to Suny Maritime College in New York. After i get some sort of degree and a license i would get a job on a ship and hopefully work my way up to captain. That's a ton of work but i really want to do something on the water. I just love the ocean.
552 posts

I hope I can retire sometime in the next 25 years. That's all I got for plans. I've found that if you don't plan your whole life out before you, you have more time to do other things.

Showing 16-20 of 21