It is as it sounds. It ends in a week. Ready go. I'm winning
4 down 3 to go. And I'm winning.
Well, you think again, because I just took the lead!
this seems really odd, but why not, I'll join in. I'm in the lead, better take it from me.-Blade
This really weird that the thread hasn't been banned yet. And it is a really easy game to win.
Yeah it is, IF YOU'RE ME!!
Well good thing I always stay up late. Nice spam with 6 words by the way. Hahaha.
O sorry I didn't mean to spam. Btw. I also stay up late. And uh... winning (in Charlie Sheen voice)
I'm winning, so you guys are losing for now.
perhaps the answer to this question is definitely not no.
Game ends at midnight pacific on thursday and I have taken the lead. Step ya game up
who said. can you do that? I mean i know you created this forum game, but people can still post on it. BTW I'm winning.
Well I mean feel free to post after Thursday at midnight, you just won't be the winner
Alright. So it's pointless to post after mid night of thursday or will there be another game?
Seems interesting so I'll go ahead and say that I'm winning.
This thread has been reported, but it's still around for some reason. The most likely reason is that the mods are allowing this thread because the thread is either allowed or not important enough to lock.
Thread is locked!