ForumsThe TavernRecognition- Help me

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Lately, I have been seeking recognition a lot and I would like to ask AG for help.

When I was young the school I used to go to gave you a sticker for doing nothing.

"Oh you came to school? Have a sticker."

"You didn't come to school yesterday because you were sick? Have a sticker."

Now that's all good and this continued until I got to about grade 6. At this point I was barely given recognition. Because of this I became an attention seeker. I would always find someone to grab someone's attention and I always wanted it to be on me.

Of course at about 14 (I'm 15 now by the way) I finally began to stop being an attention seeker but more of a recognition seeker.

To be honest, this really annoys me. I worked at a work experience somewhere for about 6 months (14 is legal age to work) and I have just decided to quit. The minimum is 1 week and I thought I would be recognized for what I did but instead all I got was a

"Oh your leaving, goodbye." and they said the same thing as a referral to the job at the market as they did to my friend who was there a week.

At first I was angry with the company for doing that but then I realised that I was angry at myself. I admit that I seek recognition for things I do. Whether they be things that I'm supposed to do or if I do extra.

I would appreciate any help someone can give.


-Matt (Laugh)

  • 5 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Get good grades, get into university, get a good degree, get a good job, and hence find recognition for life. Or find a niche area you're good at, like skateboarding, and work from there.

1,094 posts

Soo, you need help getting recognized?

Ahh there's a million ways for that, some good, some bad. But as nicho said, the (potentially) easiest way would be studying. And don't stress about not being recognized at a workplace, because it takes years, around 10-15 to be exact to be somewhat recognized.

213 posts

You need to find something that you are really good at, like nichodemus said, and just become the best you can be at it. You're good at singing? Practice a lot and someday you might get famous and sell out stadiums. You are a good actor? Practice (again) and join as many drama things in school as you can, and someday you can be a famous movie star.

As for the short term, find your place in your school and be the best person you can. If you are a good person and try to help others, the student body will look up to you as a friend and roll model. You might get awards from the school, or maybe win class president or something.

3,766 posts

Let recognition come to you. Don't try and get it or you probably will not.

Let's use an AG example. The merit. Many people try to get a merit. You shouldn't be doing something for the merit. Like writing a game comment. You should be writing it to help the creator make the game better, not to get a merit. Then if you get a merit it is an added bonus.

So usually if you try to be recognized then you will not be. Just be yourself, do what you like to do. People will recognize you for that.

8,051 posts

Recognition is your new fancy word for attention; your idolatry is still attention.

Learn to be self-motivating.

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