Justin with a capital "J", yes, i know, mostly its equal if you use capital or non-capital letters, but it could cause problems. Im not sure if this could be a problem here, but to be on the safe side... so: support@armorgames.com[/quote]
Incorrect safety measure. The uncapitalized version is actually correct. Proof here:
Don't worry! All hope is not lost! If you have lost your online save or progress there are a few options. The first would be to clear your cookies and cache. We have also noticed, refreshing a cpl time is bringing saves back. ONE IMPORTANT thing to take note of is that if you start a NEW game it is impossible to get your save back. If none of these options work, try signing in a different browser. If all of these options fail, email me support@armorgames.com
Your assumption is incorrect... you have a quote from a Threead, well, i have a quote too, from theStuff-About:
[quote]ATTENTION: If you are having trouble with recovering your username, verification link, premium content, offensive language from users, etc. Please email me at support@armorgames.com. You will receive an email from me within 24 hours of the date it was originally sent EXCEPT on saturday and sunday. Thanks!!
Capital "J" there...[/quote]
Quoting the other way is irrelevant because I have already shown the correctness of lowercase. I will now post what I believe each of us think:
Your theory: Uppercase > lowercase
My Theory: lowercase > Uppercase
However, since both have been shown to be correct and safe, it is pointless to argue further, so I will simply say this:
Do not add the capitalized version of the e-mail when the uncapitalized version is already included. Doing so is super-protective and will be treated as posting purely for AP.