ForumsSupport Forum[NECRO] Swords And Potions TIMER?

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16 posts

This really depresses me. I was having great fun with this game...until it told me I needed to wait 3 minutes for my next day? Come on, this is not what I came to expect of ArmorGames. In fact, it disgusts me. The only games that are made like that are made by money-sucking companies too interested in money than quality of game. WITHOUT REALIZING THAT, if you had a higher quality game, you could implement something LATER that would persuade people to buy something. But forcing you to buy tokens with real money, or wait time, to play a game? Pa-thet-ic.

  • 11 Replies
1,606 posts

Actually I always considered the fact that Swords and Potions has a timer a really good thing. You might not relize it but people in the game are competing with each other and having the timer for each day prevents people from just staying on 24/7 to boost their guilds ranking and have 1billion money. Having that timer there makes it easier for casual players to have just as much items and gold as those who could play all day and night.
But then there's the hardcore players who do spend that extra money to get the better recipies and unlock days, but you really can't do much about them since a MMO needs funds to keep their server's running.

14,745 posts

It's the 'dark side' of MMO games... money gaining is a huge driving factor for developers of these type of games and that's why they install these timers and other 'hard to get' items or boosts you can buy for money.

A commemorable plus side of the timer is that you won't get addicted to these games that much!

16 posts

@MrDayCee Yeah, look at SilkRoad Online, Conquer Online, Edgeworld, etc. etc. However, I didn't expect ArmorGames to do this.

@Somewhat49 I can understand your point of view completely, however, limiting a bunch of people from playing a game casually, they limit it to people who either pay for their stuff, or log onto it religiously. It wouldn't've been that hard to make it an OPTIONAL competition, which upon entering enables the timer and allows the use of those stupid coins.

16 posts

I would also like to point out that a VERY successful MMORPG (yes, S&P isn't an RPG, still an MMO) is RUNESCAPE. They have a small percentage (yet still as in depth) available to those who play free. They then allow the rest of it to people who pay a monthly fee. True, this is sort of reversed on how I'm saying they should run S&P, but the big thing about ArmorGames (at least to me) is that it's a free online flash game website. Runescape was created with Membership, and was built around buying membership to enjoy the game. Conversely, ArmorGames was created with free online flash games, now with the optional choice to pay for UPGRADES in a game that, in truth, is amazing.

Sorry, I have a passionate hatred towards game makers that give the option to be better than everybody else by paying with real money. Not only does it ruin game quality, but also playerbase quality. Now (in my eyes) this game is limited to the people who can afford to be good at it, or the people who don't play it for much longer than the first day timer. If it pops up as early as it did last time, I'm going to be quitting it also >_<

14,745 posts

@ Bluelite88 : Don't be sorry for that... I too have a strong disliking (to use less strong words, LOL) for games that have a sole purpose of gaining money from gamers and doing this in any way possible.

Even the games 'offered' on FaceBook, trying to get you to agree on your personal info being used by third parties, just to get you to play that game and then gain some profit from it in the form of advertisement is a huge no-no in my book.

The fact that I have written a rather large rant about the game in a thread that was made for it, pretty much prooves my dissaproval of these type of games in general... (o.O)

And for the record... I quit right after getting my first timer!

5 posts

dont know if this is the right place for this post but i wish there was an easier way to communicate between guild members than messaging like a private chat for your guild or something

1,606 posts

And for the record... I quit right after getting my first timer!

I actully stayed on for quite a while, I think I am up to 70 something days but it just takes up too much time, every day is very simple and not really that rewarding because you're just selling stuff so that you could sell more stuff then move your shop to be able to sell stuff at higher prices.

But really it was a game about work, kinda like those fishing games where you upgrade your boat and stuff just to fish even more while the fishing aspect of the game really isnt that enjoyable.

I was really only annoyedd by the timer the first day I played it, but after that you dont really want to play more than 5 days in a row and getting another day while trying to finish off those days becomes more of a burden.

Even the games 'offered' on FaceBook, trying to get you to agree on your personal info being used by third parties, just to get you to play that game and then gain some profit from it in the form of advertisement is a huge no-no in my book.

Also almost all of them except for the really small games have alot of things that could be unlocked using facebook coins.
The fact that I have written a rather large rant about the game in a thread that was made for it, pretty much prooves my dissaproval of these type of games in general... (o.O)

I've never really minded it since you DO have the ability to play free and they do need some way to keep their servers running.
16 posts

@Somewhat49 Nobody's arguing the type of game. You're right, the whole point is to upgrade, with coins as your upgrade resource. The issue at hand is getting those upgrades. When you can't play for longer than 5 days, it'll take forever to get anywhere near what someone gets just by buying coins.

As for server upkeep, lol, advertisements pay for that AND give them profit, we're just the playerbase that the advertisement companies want their ads directed at. Any extra money they try to charge is all greed.

16 posts

I also just would like to point out that, again, Runescape should be an idol for all online games. Have a free portion available to everybody, and the people that pay can ALSO go to this free portion *or free server, as it were* but they can only play like a F2P player does. If they want to take advantage of their paid entertainment, they have to go onto a P2P server, where everything is available.

1 posts

i like to say that this game is nice for a flash game... to have the qualities of the flash game genre.. furthermore, due to its mmo nature, it is necessary for this game to be have profit so that this game will keep on running.. however, this type of games are rather being abused by making profit by all means.. the timer greatly destroys the gaming experience.. to have a pause of 15 mins between games is pathetic and paying real money to disable this makes it more pathetic.. and ARMORGAMES, i smell something fishy...

14,745 posts

Note: Deleted necro posts and locked thread...

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