ForumsPopular MediaSparta Remix!

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Hey guys!

So for those of you who aren't familiar with what a Sparta Remix might be familiar with the popular saying "This..Is...SPARTA!!!" and maybe you remeber a man being kicked into a hole. If you still dont know what one is...type in "Sparta Remix" on YouTube and you get tons of results. Basically you take a saying that is around 3-5 sylables and the "Remix" revolves around those words.

Example: Original "This is Sparta!" is turned into a remix.

Over time several people have taken other phrases from movies and cartoons and turned them into "Sparta Remixes." From Spongebob to Family Guy, people have turned several things into said Sparta Remixes.

So, what would you make into a Sparta Remix? Please also name the show/cartoon from where you got that phrase from. Or even put a link to YouTube in to show some of the best Sparta Remixes you have found.

Have fun! And remember...THIS..IS...ARMORGAMES!!! So keep it clean!

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I looked up the Sparta Remixes on YouTube and even though I liked the idea of creating a whole new cult form from a famous movie phrase/quote, I have to admit that after seeing the This... Is... Patrick! remix I lost interest quickly... =/

I guess you'd have to like dance and DnB music to appreciate this fully!

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