I don't know if anyone knows this but there are two types of shield block and Intervention. You know that block can block you from any damage put has a short time while the Intervention has a longer time put has a limited damage attack. To do the glitch you have to have both shields when you are in battle first use your block then after useing block use Intervention so when your block is over and your Intervention is still on you can not get hurt by anything not even piosen or anything like that.
I have just notice that when you do block and then you do Intervention when it is going to run out use Intervention Again and you still will get the same results
[b][i]The other Glitch if you haven't seen the other sonny walkthroughs is where You grab a item when it is in your pointer click in the green button on the bottom then put the item where there is a plus(+) sign and your stats and pierceing and defence will increase