Just saw a site called using the Armor Games logo (blue shield, silver outline) and name , and it looks like they took a screen shot of the logo in the tab with a black background, printed it, and then cut it out and scanned it. (That's how terrible the quality is) However, I don't know if there is any affiliation between the sites. The bottom of the page says "Armorgames.name. All rights reserved."
I have never seen this, and it seems like a breach of copyright to me. I might be wrong though. And I do acknowledge that it uses the extension .name. But overall I don't think that there is any affiliation.
I dont think they can make money out of this and besides isn't it allowed to put AG in your site. i mean if the site is only informing and linking to AG i don't see a problem. In this case i do cause this site is using AG to be found easier on google and get known faster. but a question to the mods/admins: is it allowed to make a site whit armorgames in the name if u use the site to give info about armorgames?