ForumsThe TavernYour Experiences with Stupid People

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Last night, I was driving home at about 9 o'clock. It wasn't quite dark yet, but it was dim enough to make it somewhat difficult to see something or someone in the road. I was driving down a thin, windy (not windy, as in wind blows; windy, as in the street winds) street filled with blind spots, when all of a sudden, I see about 10 people standing in the middle of the street. Mind you, had this been a straight stretch of road, I would have seen them from a mile away; however, this was a narrow, twisty street big enough for just one car at a time, and there was no way I could have possibly seen these people from more than 100 feet away, so I had to stop fairly abruptly and came within maybe 25 feet of mowing them all down.

This may not sound like anything more than ordinary absentmindedness on their part had it just been a group of adults, but these idiots had about 4 or 5 small children running around them while they were standing in the middle of the street. Now I don't go over 25 down that street, but I've seen some pretty crazy drivers out there who wouldn't have had the immaculate reaction time required to stop before knocking the entire mass of people, including the small children, down like bowling pins. I've never been a parent as far as I know, but what I do know is that letting your kids run around on a dimly lit street filled with blind spots at night is awful parenting, not to mention horrifyingly stupid.

We've all had to deal with stupid people at some point. Why not share your experiences with the community?

  • 19 Replies
25 posts

I know someone who swears that Scotland no longer exists.

13,344 posts

About a week ago, I was driving along another thin, winding street (1 lane each direction) and there were two cars ahead of me. The driver ahead of me must have gotten impatient with the driver ahead of him, because he merged into the lane for oncoming traffic. What baffled me most about this move was that he didn't speed ahead of the other driver, he just cruised along at about the same speed as the other driver for about 200 or so feet before they reached the stop sign....together. Then the driver in the wrong lane turned left at the intersection as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

And I sat there, wondering what the hell had just happened.

15,595 posts

What baffled me most about this move was that he didn't speed ahead of the other driver, he just cruised along at about the same speed as the other driver for about 200 or so feet before they reached the stop sign....together.

They could've been talking to each other.
13,344 posts

They could've been talking to each other.

They were both driving at about 20-25 mph. Then one driver turned left, then the other turned right. In the short amount of time they were next to each other and given that neither car had really slowed down when one got next to each other, it didn't look like a conversation could have taken place between the two vehicles.

No, the driver who had intentionally cruised into the wrong lane was clearly an idiot.
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