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Just wanted to know if there were any fans of the show on the AG forums! I really hope there are because it's an incredible show! For those of you who are fans, what were some of your favorite moments of season 3?

  • 7 Replies
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Community is my favorite comedy on television. It's such an amazing show, very funny and intelligent. I love it.

Anyway, the 8-bit video game was my favorite moment of the third season. It was an incredible original concept and so hilarious.

428 posts

It's one of the best comedies currently on. Only Futurama and Modern Family are in the same league, methinks. 30 Rock, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Office haven't been the same for ages, Simpsons is a shadow of its former self, Parks & Rec is alright but not the same, Louie is a brainier sort of show.

Community has a great premise and one of the best ensemble casts ever in a comedy series. Abed is a fantastic character. In fact, the whole meta-comedy thing it has going on sets it apart from everything else on TV right now. So obviously it's constantly at risk of being cancelled.
God**** TV audiences. 9 seasons of The King of Queens and we have to do letter-writing campaigns to prevent shows like Community and Chuck from getting canceled halfway through?

276 posts

This is my absolute favorite show on right now (second favorite ever only to Arrested Development). I love how different the humor is in this show. It is so unlike any other show on the air right now and what they say actually makes you think. I love how much foreshadowing is in the show; it makes it really enjoyable to re-watch.

On a side note about shows getting canceled, I really used to love Chuck but I swear that after the 2nd season the show changed for the worst. It used to be my favorite show and sometimes I wish that they had left it at season 2. But fortunately, Community got signed on to a 4th season . Unfortunately, they moved it to Friday nights. It angers me that they kept Whitney and Up All Night...those shows are incredibly unfunny.

428 posts

On a side note about shows getting canceled, I really used to love Chuck but I swear that after the 2nd season the show changed for the worst.

Oh, I loved Chuck throughout the whole run. Can't say I felt a very strong difference in the general tone of drama and comedy after season 2. But the product placement could get really effing annoying. Subway this, Subway that, oh that delicious Subway sandwich.
276 posts

Oh, I loved Chuck throughout the whole run. Can't say I felt a very strong difference in the general tone of drama and comedy after season 2. But the product placement could get really effing annoying. Subway this, Subway that, oh that delicious Subway sandwich.

It started to bother me towards the end too. But I remember the Save Chuck campaign when every Thursday they would go to Subway and leave comments in...Subway helped save Chuck. Besides, after the second season I really wasn't going to complain because if it brought in extra money for the show...yay!

The one thing that worries me about Community is the whole college thing. Usually you are only in college for 4 years, so I am hoping they don't pull the plug because of its "bad ratings". It doesn't help that they put it up against The Big Bang Theory which has some of the best ratings on television right now. They should give it another chance and not send it to the Friday Graveyard to die.
428 posts

Honestly? Unless Season 4 is pure gold, I hope it's the last one. They should quit while they're ahead and this'll be remembered as one of the best TV comedies of the generation. There's nothing I hate to see like a good show run out of creative steam. You want closure, but not only don't they give it to you, they soil the story with subpar writing.

Ah, writers of House. I will find you.
And I will kill you.

276 posts

That's true...I just get sad when shows like that end because they are so different. Usually it takes awhile to replace good shows and at the rate that NBC is running they will never find a replacement. I will miss my daily does of Community. That was like the one thing that I would look forward to every night. I don't think that I would want any more than like 5 seasons on that show though. I think that after like the 5th season on most shows it starts to go downhill.

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