am i?
they suck like crazy and they are trying so hard THEY SUCK!!
I agree with thaggard53
THEY SUCK TOTALLY!!! disney keeps creating monster singers such as the JoBros (besides miley)
your not the only one, not at all
Maybe if they actually had talent they wouldn't be so bad, but the fact is, they don't have any.
All the girls like drool over them and I think that they are stupid.
Probably not, I don't like them, but then again I don't hate them
no i do
jonas bros really sucks, they don't deserve to be famous.
I am right there with you my BROTHER, they are disgusting!
I think they make ok songwriters, if they stop writing meaningles, emotionless, junk. Apart from that, they are terrible.
no i hate jonas brothers rule
they were in a disney commercial going uns uns uns uns bad influence 2 kids
They are very strange people if you want my opinion. they are horrible songwriters and horrible singers. []-o.o-[] (earplugs)
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