Handmade art - plasticine replica of iPhone 4s[url=http://youtu.be/U6SPhyVYSHA]
Can not understand why the link is not inserted.URL - www.youtu.be/U6SPhyVYSHA
Picture please.My provider can't handle videos without charging me up the ying-yang.
That's very well made XD he must be dedicated and prolly' gets pissed if someone mushes it up together XD.
Picture? Ok!
looks like something out of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by The Beatles "lasticine porters of yellow and green towering over your head"
I keep it on the shelf. There he was safe. ))
When I think of replica I think exact. That includes straight lines and mathematical curves. The apps are good, but I expected better when I clicked the thread link.Also, my DEFY+ can handle my life. Can your "iPhone" say the same?
Do not like it - do it better!
did u make it ?
very realistic
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