OK, so go to Google and write up swords and sandals 2, then go to the site where it is by hacked arcade games, now you will see that they are hacking the full version. Something is not right there. They have stolen the game. And I don't think that's good.
That's computer piracy for you. Did you know Android was branded an awful pirate hole with tons of titles for it getting the same treatment? titles that cost like 1$..still pirated.."right"? nope, it's not, but can we really expect any of that?
lol They've been trying to stop cheaters, hackers, and pirates for years. Do you really think they are going to stop because of laws? They want it they get it either for themselves or others.
There are ways to stop them but as you can tell not all people know about them. >_> Or they think it costs too much to use them one or the other.
They aren't - they're breaking copyright and intellectual property laws. Do they care? People that won't grab a few empty bottles lying by the street and sell them to a recycling point, but instead steal a 50cent bubblegum from a store? Nope
Will be fun when someone decides to sue them for it and the 1$ saving will turn to 100000$ fine But they won't care until it hits them. Just don't join them
Let's direct our attention to something that's important: Who the **** cares? It doesn't affect you, so keep your nose out of other people's rectums.
It is attitudes like this that quickly ruins the thinking that we should help one another and therefore society quickly follows and goes down the drain.
I applaud the OP for taking a stand against something that is wrong.
This thread was revived by a user with a spam post, which is now deleted. As are the two spam posts that followed made by another user... the last post is completely on topic and suitable, but I will lock this thread nontheless, seeing as the discussion is expired and has no chance of continuation anymore. =)
If someone really wants to continue the discussion, please contact me on my profile and I will unlock it, ok? =)