ForumsGamesHalo 3

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3 posts

Hey, anyone else have Halo 3? If so, post your crazy Halo 3 stories so we can enjoy it...

  • 222 Replies
61 posts

On Valhalla I grabbed the Spartan Laser in Multiflag CTF. There was an enemy warthog bringing my teams flag to their base so I charged it up and fired. I got a double kill, triple kill, killjoy, stopped fag carrier and a killing spree!

4,211 posts

On last resord, I have sniper, a guy jump out of no were, in the air
(no scoop), and BOUM headshot. (he really jump and i snipe him when he was in the air.

Leafs were blocking my aim (still whit sniper) i just shot, and headshot.

IM REALLY THE BEST SNIPER (got killing freanzy whit it)

305 posts

one time in valhalla i had laser in 4v4...i was near my base and shot at a guy, hit him, went through him, and lasered a teammate on the crash pelican....anyway about 5 seconds later a turn around as someone speeds past me in a mongoose, i charge up my laser as that same guy spawns behind me and he stupidly jumps over my head in front of me and i laser his foot...24 second respawn...wasn't happy

Another time in an 8v8 in valhalla...i was drving a warthog alone coming from enemy base getting shot like crazy...i heal, and turn around and drive over the center hill towards there base... to my right theres to people shooting at my left, there was 4 ppl not paying attention shooting at someone else....i ran over all 4 of them for an overkill and then died

645 posts

i dont know what u mean

3,562 posts

OWNED NOOBS! I did it! I got extermination! not once! but twice!!!
ahahahaha pro sauce!

extermination is one of the hardest badges, it requires a bit of luck and a bit of skill. you need to kill all of the members of opposing team and get overkill (4 kills 4 seconds).

After that I tea bagged all the dead bodies just to be a jerk.

98 posts

oen time I was playing griffball on live, the game was
red-2 blue-2 , I was on blue and my frind was on my account as myname1 or whatever but then they almost scored I picked the ball up then threw it over the opponent right about to kill me, and then my friend picked it up as soon as is hit the ground and then scored, it was so cool.

23 posts

I once killed 20ppl in a row wit my plasma gun and t-bagged all of them they said i was hacking somehow so i got enoyed of those noobs so i killed the winers t bagged all of the winers and went to another serv i was LOLing the hole time they were cussin me out wit their mikes i just got out of the serv still crakin up then my roomate comes in the room wit 2 hot blondes and they saw me crack up and they said they love guys who laugh like me then at night i did a doo-oh if you know what i mean..

179 posts

I once killed 20ppl in a row wit my plasma gun and t-bagged all of them they said i was hacking somehow so i got enoyed of those noobs so i killed the winers t bagged all of the winers and went to another serv i was LOLing the hole time they were cussin me out wit their mikes i just got out of the serv still crakin up then my roomate comes in the room wit 2 hot blondes and they saw me crack up and they said they love guys who laugh like me then at night i did a doo-oh if you know what i mean..

you're not a real man until you can get the extermination achievement.
43 posts

With my friend we have check the stats of all is games and we saw than he kill someone with a cone. XD

One time when I play, I shoot a plasma grenade and an ennemy was back to the warthog and the grenade make the warthog move and kill the guys.

29 posts

I used to play Halo 3 a lot, but I have taken to the Guitar Hero series over the FPS genre in more recent times.

However, I do have one pretty cool story about Halo 3.

My good friend and I were playing a Custom game type on a Valhalla-variant map. He had built a pretty sturdy tower of items that rose as high as the tops of the buildings. Everyone except one person was put on top of this structure and given sniper rifles. The other person was on the ground and given 20 banshees with short respawn rates which he would use to try to fly into us and knock us off of the structure. Everyone was given increased speed and extremely low health with an incredibly slow regeneration rate.

The object of the game for the people who were spawned on top of the structure was to snipe him out of the banshee through the little cracks inbetween the wings and the hull of the vehicle. The difficulty in this lies in the fact that the pilot wins if the banshee is either destroyed or if he knocks all of us off.

Anyway, I was with my good friend on top of the structure, and in the first game, I aimed, not expecting to hit anything, but ended up killing him with my first bullet on account of the fact that it was a headshot. Thinking this was pure luck and laughing about it, a new pilot was chosen, and this time my friend, on the first shot, managed to shoot him at point blank range, headshot, without blowing up his banshee.

The only bad part to this story is that my friend and I were thinking of videotaping it for fun, but had decided not to. So, this amazing feat went on to be vastly unnoticed to the Halo 3 community.

10 posts

When i went 25-0 in FFA on Snowbound.
Also when we went 50-0 in team swords in doubles on Epitaph(SP?)

128 posts

I'll beat anybody in halo 3 guaranteed , seriously I'm amazing at first person shooters.

24 posts

Halo 3 is one of the best games on xbox 360.

I once got overkill (4 kills) with single spartan laser shot in a big team CTF on Valhalla, almost got a killtacular...

There were a full warthog and a mongoose coming at our base, the mongoose somehow managed to crash the warthogs side just as my laser fired. Only the warthogs gunner stayed alive (i don´t know how) and killed me when i was still thinking that what just happened.

4,682 posts

I hate it. I know I will probably get crap about it since this is a gaming site. It just isn't fun at all.

130 posts

I love it. I have beaten the whole campaign on normal, and I need to do one more mission on Heroic (Cortana) until I beat the whole thing on heoric.

I know this glitch to make objects float in forge. For me it only works in sandbox (it might work in the other mythic ones but I haven't tried!).

First put a big object down. Then put the object you wish to make float on top of it. Save the map as a new map. [b]WITHOUT ENDING THE GAME,[b] sell the big object or whatever was holding the thing you want to float. The object will float. If you try this in a different map (once again, have not tested in other mythic, but have tested on Valhalla, which is an original map, and Standoff, a heroic map. Actually, it may work on legendary, i forgot to test those.) then the object will float but will fall when you touch or shoot it. In sandbox it stays still even if you touch it.

Note:You can also use this to make objects not move. This causes them to be completely still.

Showing 196-210 of 222