Hey armorgames, I've been making some techno music, but I'm not really good yet. I keep practicing but I'm new to this still. I would appreciate it if you could go to soundcloud and put up a comment if you think things need changed or like it if you actually like it.
I've been spending lots of my time making techno but not posting it. I'm just honing my skill I guess. Enjoy!
According to the forum's directions, it's not really allowed to make a thread with the sole purpose of redirecting to another website than ArmorGames and display your creativity here in the Popular Media forum... maybe it was better suited in the Art, Music and Writing forum? =)
Anyway, I've listened to your work and it shows promise! Especially the "Fire & Ice" one! Keep it up! And remember... an artist always believes in his own work! The critics just want to love/hate something, because they can't make it themselves!
I'd recommend you "buy" a good DAW, like FL Studio or Ableton Live. It sounds like you just used a bunch of presets or something--go out and learn the principles of synthesis, and definitely find yourself some better drum patches. FL Studio would be the easiest for you to learn and use, especially because it has a lot of good standard plugins for mastering, which you really need, and coms with some good VSTs (harmor and sytrus are powerful and relatively easy to use--definitely learn to make your own synths). Your compositions sounded pretty good technically, they just need a lot more polish and also some more eventfulness-definitely brush up on your music theory, particularly voice leading and chord stuff. You're off to a good start--just make sure you let yourself improve!