Admins are employees and get paid, while mods are their slaves.
Admins: Administrators are paid employees of Armor Games. At their choice, they may or may not interact with the users on the site, but those who do can perform the same tasks as a Moderator such as locking/removing forum threads or user/game comments, but also have the ability to permanently ban users who do not follow the rules. Administrators may also modify user profiles that do not follow the site rules.
Mods: Moderators are user volunteers who have been selected by Administrators to help maintain the web site. Their duties including removing spam from the forums, locking forum threads, and helping users understand and follow the Terms and Conditions of being a member on the site and posting rules and guidelines for posting messages in the forums, game comments or user comments. Moderators can issue temporary bans from the site for users who do not follow rules, and are in contact with Administrators regarding permanent bans for repeat or major offenses.