Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Epsilon Guide and Walkthrough
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Okay, now this was a very fun and interesting game. The wormholes were just genious and with all of the additions such as black holes, gravity modifiers and portals were also very creative. I finished the game in an hour or two, but this guide took forever. Hopefully it will help all of those who have trouble, and maybe someone will get interested in playing this game!
Okay, I am going to skip the tutorial since it is self explanatory, and I will go on ahead to the first level entitled "Basic Wormholes."
Section one- Press space and let the ball drop. It will come up to the portal on the right side. After it hits the token, hold space to freeze the game and move the portal right in the middle to hit the portal. That was easy right?
Section two- Simply move the wormhole to the top right so when the orb is dropped, it will go through the left wormhole and teleport to the other and will hit the token and the portal.
Section three- We are going to start by moving the wormhole so the orb will fly left, but remember, the gravity will pull the orb down, so put the portal a bit higher, so it will go through the hall and into the portal.
Section four- Let the ball drop through wormhole #1, so the orb will come out #2. While the orb is about to get the token, hold the space bar, and move wormhole #1 to the right and position it, so the orb will hit it. As the orb is in the air for the last token, move wormhole #2 to the center TOP and hit the portal. (#2 has to be on the top because if it was on the bottom, then gravity would pull it down)
Section five- Let the orb drop through wormhole #1, and it will go through #2 to hit the token. Move #1 to the center to hit the next one, and then move #2 to the top and hit the portal.
Section 1- Simply let the orb drop through and hit both tokens. When it gets to the end, press X to travel back in time, and in the process, it will hit the portal.
Section 2- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) to the bottom, and move the one the right, (#2) to the top of the "S" figure. Let the orb go, and after it hits the last token, go back in time to hit the portal.
Section 3- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) right under the orb. Let it go, and it will pass through #1 and #2 to hit the token. Pause by pressing space, and move #1 to the left so the other token can be hit. After that token is hit, go back in time to hit the portal.
Section 4- Move the wormhole at the top (#2) to the right, so the orb will pass through it and hit the token. Go back in time and move #2 down a bit, so the orb will pass through the "S" looking hall. After those tokens are hit, go back in time to hit the portal.
Section 5- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) and put it straight under the orb. Let it drop, and it will pass through and hit the token on the right. Remember, you only 1.5 seconds, so right as the token is hit, you have to go back in time. No dilly-dallying around! Now you have to move the wormhole on the right (#2) to the left, and repeat the process. Right as the other token is hit, go back in time to hit the portal.
Section 1- Move the wormhole on the bottom left (#1) and put it ABOVE the orb, since the gravity will pull the orb upwards. It will come through the wormhole on the right (#2) and hit the token. Before the orb hits that token, move #1 above the token so the orb will go through. While you move #1, move #2 under the portal, so gravity will take it.
Section 2- Move the wormhole on the right (#1) down to the bottom of the "2" looking hall. After you let the ball go, gravity will take it through #1, and go through #2. While the orb goes through #2, move #1 to the top of the "2" looking hall. The orb will be pulled by the gravity and hit the token and the portal.
Section 3- This is easier than the first section on module 1. Just let the orb go.
Section 4-
Step one is to set up the wormholes as shown. Follow the arrow on the left AFTER the orb has gone through both wormholes. Then follow the arrow on the right AFTER the orb goes through the first arrow. That will lead you to the portal.
Section 5- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) down, so it faces the gravity modifier. Then move #2 up, so it faces the token. Let the ball go, and after the orb goes through #1, move it under #2, so it faces the second gravity modifier. It will go fast, so pay attention! After the orb goes through #2, move it to the top left, so it faces the big token. This will all lead to the portal.
Section 1- Simply let the orb drop because everything is set up from the start.
Section 2- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) under the orb, and let it drop. It will pass through #1 and #2, hit a token and a gravity modifier. It will then pass through many blackholes. Those will eventually get you to the top. At the top, the orb will automatically hit the gravity modifier to send it back through blackholes and hit the portal.
Section 3- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) under the orb, and put the one on the right (#2) up, so it is facing the token ABOVE the blackhole, but make the wormhole a little higher than the the token. Let the orb go, and it will pass through #1 and #2. When the orb comes out of #2, it will hit the token, but hit the wall, and go around the blackhole which is what we want. The orb will bounce once, and pause the game by holding space. Move #1 in the path of the falling orb, and put #2 above the token on the top left. The orb will pass through both, but when it goes through #2, you have to move #1 back, so it will pass through that. Now, when placing #1, you have to pay attention because the orb won't fall straight. Just pay attention! Now move #2 on the top right, so the orb will hit the black hole, and hit the portal.
Section 4- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) down a bit, so the orb will pass through after hitting the gravity modifier. Move #2 to the top right, so the orb will pass through and hit the two tokens at the top. After the orb passes through #1, move it to the top left, so it will catch the orb coming out of #2. After the orb passes through #2, move it to the bottom right, so it will hit the bottom two tokens. Move #1 to catch it, (This is just like the top part) and move #2 higher, so the orb will hit the gravity modifier, go through the blackhole, and hit the portal.
Section 5- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) and put it under the orb, and put #2 ABOVE the orb. It will pass through #1 and #2, and hit the blackhole, sending it to every blackhole, and it will hit the gravity mod will send it right back to the portal.
Section 1- Put the wormhole on the left (#1) on the hall under the orb, and put #2 on the top. The orb will pass through #1 and #2. After the orb goes through #2, it will head towards #1 again. Move #2 to the hall on the right. After the orb goes through #2 for the second time, watch for the orb to hit the second token. After it is hit, go back in time to hit the portal.
Section 2- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) to the top opening. The orb will pass through #2 only if you move #1 out of the way, and let the orb drop by gravity, and hit the token. Go back in time, and move #1 to the right side hall. For the orb to pass through #1, I find it easier to hold the wormhole as the orb passes through. Now,go back in time once more, and move #1 above the portal.
Section 3- This one took me awhile to figure out, but I got it! First, move the wormhole on the left (#1) down into that hall, and move #2 under the orb. The orb will go through both and hit two tokens. The orb will land in that hole on the bottom right, so move #1 there, and put #2 right above the token. The orb will pass through both and hit the token. Before the orb goes down, put #2 right under the STARTING place of the orb. The momentum of the orb will make it hit the blackhole thus getting to the last token. Lastly, go back in time, and the portal is very easy to get from there.
Section 4- Move the wormhole on the right (#1) to the top right of the "E" like figure. The orb will drop, hit a gravity modifier, a token and a blackhole. That blackhole will send the orb to the blackhole right in front of #1. The orb will be sent back to the center of the "E" (Because #2 is just left there the whole time) and will hit a token and another gravity modifier. The orb will go right back at #1. Move #2 to the bottom of the "E" and the orb will hit the blackhole, go to the other, hit a token and the portal.
Section 5- Move the wotmhole on the left (#1) under the orb, and move #2 under the bigger token. The orb will hit the token which affects the gravity. Let the orb drop, but move #1 up a bit, so the ball will hit the token there, and after that, move #2 to other side, and that token will be hit. Finally, move #1 to the center and the orb will hit the portal.
Section 6- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) up, so it is in the open spot, and move #2 under the orb. After the orb goes through #1, move #2, so it is in the hall above the gravity modifier. The orb will hit that, and come back through. Move #1 into the little hall in the middle to hit that token. Then move #2 to the very bottom left, so the orb will go through, bounce off the wall, hit the token and the portal.
Section 7- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) to the hall on the left side. The orb will hat that token, and gravity will pull it back. Move #2 to the top right hall, so it is facing the token. The orb will pass through and gravity will pull back again. Move #1 to the top left hall and the orb will be pulled back yet again. Finally, move #2 to the left wall so it is facing the portal. Done!
Section 8- Simply put either wormhole below the orb and put the other in the hall facing the token, and continuously do that until you get to the last one. Move the other wormhole above the portal.
Section 9- Move the wormhole on the left (#1) under the orb and move #2 to the RIGHT of the top blackhole. Then move #2 back down to catch the orb. Before it goes through #2, move #1 to the top left, facing the token. The token will be hit and the orb will go through the blackhole. Then move #1 down to catch that orb while you move #2 to the top facing the blackhole on the RIGHT wall. After the orb goes through the top black hole, move #2 back down to catch the orb, and move #1 under the last token. The orb will hit the token ,but it will keep going and hit the black hole, so #1 to catch the orb while you move #2 up the RIGHT side so the orb will hit the blackhole again. (This is all supposed to build momentum) Move #2 down to catch the orb and put #1 right ABOVE the portal.
Section 10- Move the wormhole on the right (#1) to the top right, so the orb can hit the gravity token. Keep both wormholes still, so the orb will bounce off the walls and hit this token.
Move #1 to catch the orb, and move #2 in the hall with the one gravity token. The orb will come back after getting that token, so move #1 to the left side so it is facing the opening of the "Backwards S" figure. All of the tokens will be hit and so will the portal.
Section 11- Move the wormhole on the right (#1) to the left so it is facing the block. Let the orb go through #2, #1 and #2 again. (This is all slowing the orb down, so it doesn't hit the gravity modifier.) Move #1 over so it is under the token. As the orb comes back down, freeze time and move #2 to the top so it is above the top token. That token will be hit and the orb will NOT hit the gravity modifier. Go back in time, and move the right wormhole (#1) so it is on the LEFT wall facing the last token. It will hit the token, the gravity modifier and the portal.
Section 12- Let the orb drop, and make sure it ONLY hits the gravity token and the gravity modifier. After both of those are hit, go back in time, and move the wormhole on the left (#1) under the second gravity token. Let the orb drop and it will hit that token, and go out #2 to hit another token. After the orb goes through #1, move it to the left side, so the orb will hit that token. Lastly, move #1 at the top hall, so the orb will hit the gravity modifier and the portal.
Section 13- At the start, just let the orb drop. It will hit the gravity token and be sent up. Set up the wormholes as shown.
Move the wormhole at the top (#1) to the bottom.
After that, let the orb go and hit the bottom wormhole, and move the left one to the red box shown below.
The orb will hit a token, but let it come back through the same wormhole. Before it goes through, move the bottom wormhole to the left as shown below.
Let the orb come back and move the left wormhole to the exact opposite side. After that last token is hit, simply let the orb bounce back, move the top portal to the left wall, so it is facing the portal.
Section 14- Put the right wormhole (#1) above the orb, and put #2 at the top right corner. After the top left token is hit, move #1 to the bottom right corner. Now after that token is hit, move #2 so it is on the left wall, facing the point of the triangle, but a bit lower. This pic should help with that placement.
Notice the line that resembles the point extended. The wormhole should be a bit below that point. Let the orb come around, but it won't get in the wormhole, but let it go back around. Move the bottom left wormhole to the right wall facing the point of the triangle, but make the wormhole is a bit HIGHER than if the point was extended. Let the orb go all the way around, and move the left wormhole below the portal.
LAST SECTION!!! Well, the only thing you have to do, is let go of the orb and your done with the game!!!
Wow!!! Bowla put it perfectly. I am very impressed with this guide. It must of taken hours! Haha :P
Ahh, very nice. I just played this game and I must say it was difficult, but after using your guide I went through it like a charm. Very nicely done.
*Props to Coheed*
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