Unless of course you belonged to one of those unlucky groups of which there were many...Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Communists.....but I do agree that Hitler's government, stress on government, had its salient points. Hitler himself was never the genius people put him to be. He had a very magnetic and charismatic persona, again note persona, but he was haphazard, vulgar, irrational, and lacked originality. He ruled via having a fixed but vague world view, which his subordinates would themselves attempt to formulate policies that they thought would fit into his views. Hitler hardly ever came up with the policies themselves; in fact wherever he meddled, disaster occurred.
and lets not forget how germany looked after him. napoleon as well. you might say he was a great general and a great leader, but in the end he left a much weaker france. and add to her many enemies.
Idi Amin was pretty evil, he ate people he dident like and had 5 wives ( none of them lived more than ten years after marrying him). he went in tanzania with a tiny amount of troops to just make tanzania mad then Tanzania came to Uganda and went to war and Uganda got their arse kicked. his death toll was between 22-40 million (none from war). once he tried to marry a asian women in Uganda and she said no so he killed everyone who looked asian in Uganda. AND the worst part is that Saudi Arabia still keeps him safe in Saudi Arabia
Lol you're mixing up your facts a little. Amin was bad, but he didn't cause the deaths of that many people. He didn't have any love for the Asians, but for most of them, it was forced exile rather than the gun barrel. But yes, he ate people.
A candidate could be President Mobotu of Congo, a kleptocratic dictator who was installed by the CIA after the CIA assasinated the former president in 1955. His reign seeded the turmoil that has turned Congo in one of the largest, ongoing warzones on the planet.
A candidate could be President Mobotu of Congo, a kleptocratic dictator who was installed by the CIA after the CIA assasinated the former president in 1955. His reign seeded the turmoil that has turned Congo in one of the largest, ongoing warzones on the planet.
nice finally someone who also knows about congo. to prepair you. some people here think they did a good job in congo and left it behind just fine. that was their respond back to me. so good luck. =)
okay, this thread bores me. I keep seeing the big 3 (hitler, stalin, mao) but where are all of the small time dictators? the ones who were just as insane, or sadistic, or paranoid as these 3?
I myself would say that a pretty bad dictator in his time was timur. nobody was crazier than that guy (he rose to power after the mongols collapsed in on themselves)
I'm also surprised people aren't mentioning dictators who were just plain insane. WHY HASN'T ANYBODY MENTIONED NERO YET?
Because Nero isn't a dictator, he was a monarch, an emperor to be precise. Though he certainly was mad. If you want someone even more insane then him, try Caligula.
Well, worst as in most evil? Or worst at doing there job? Because I think Hitler was an insane nut case bent on destroying anything and everything he saw fit. However, he was an amazing dictator. Not that I am defending him, but facts are facts and he was a good dictator (though I would not call that something to brag about). Bad dictator as in bad at there job... hm, I am not quite sure. Maybe a more stupid ruler. I can't think of one... OK I admit it. I did not pay attention in "best dictators of the world" class we had. So I am going to stick with what I have and assume you are meaning worst as in evil.
got to agree dude. but hitler wasent a good one. same as napoleon. they might look like conquerer, but when you look at it, they destroied there nation in just 10 years, making them much more weaker than befor. napoleon actualy made france losing allot of its colonies, losing almost its entire tresaury, killing an entire generation, destroying cities... same as hitler. all of germany was a hill of ashes and bones. he wasnt good,
a good dictator was franko. he kept spain himself for almost half a century. only when he died, an old man, spain got free. he rules with an iron fist, and quitly didnt had so much troubles {after he crushed teh ressistence in the civil war}. his enemies fought him in the battlefield, so he knew from the start 'who against who'. alot of his enemies just gave up after the ugly move of the communists and russia. not even everyone hate him, even in the western world.
and just to make it clear, if i lived in 1930, i would be one of the first to join the fifth brigade and fighting him.