ForumsThe TavernYour Scariest Physical Experience

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[Note: After browsing 40 consecutive pages of current/old/locked threads here, I have not found any thread with this topic. So while there are similar threads, this should not be a duplicate.]

What is the scariest experience you have had? Do tell.

Duplicate/Off Topic Prevention:
If your story involves an injury and the most pain you have ever experienced, it should go here instead:

Paranormal is acceptable. So is near death.

And please, be serious.

My scariest experience would be my narrow escape from Death By Catalpa Tree.
This happened a few months ago. We had a large catalpa tree on our property that had died and needed to be cut down. The tree was rather in an odd situation: first of all, it had two trunks on a single stump, both with a fairly wide angle between them. Also, there were quite a number of large branches splayed out from the top that created a serious risk of the trunks twisting as they fell. And on top of that, the tree was on ground that had an angle to it.
Due to the limits of time, it actually took two days for Dad and I to drop the tree. The first, and downslope-leaning trunk, we were able to fell without incident on the first day. I cut it, and Dad helped with the lines we used to guide it.
On the second day, we tackled the second, upslope trunk. This was also the most difficult to fell, because if it went any of the directions it could fall on its own it would have caused a lot of collateral damage. The only safe fall path was down the yard, in the exact opposite direction from how it was leaning. Because of this, I did most of the cutting, but Dad stepped in and said he would actually finish the cut through and for me to stand away from the tree.
We had a truck pulling the tree towards the bottom of our yard, where it needed to go. The lean of the tree itself, combined with the lay of the land, should have made it go up the yard. And the upper branches, being predominantly on one side, should have made it twist and fall left.
When the final cut was made, the tree fell straight - to the right. Where the laws of physics dictated that it should have been impossible for it to go.
Where I was standing. Less than six feet away.

I don't think I've ever moved faster in my life than I did then. I was halfway up the yard before that tree hit the ground. And I distinctly remember that my mind went completely blank except for one thought:
OH! CRAP! RUN!!!!!
Sure, it's easy to talk or even joke about now that that catalpa tree is safely cut into little pieces and stacked on the woodpile, but I can tell you that having about two tons of tree coming down your way is not something you want to have happen to you.

And it just goes to show that when you're cutting down a tree, you can never assume that it will do what it's set up to do.

Well, that's my top scariest experience. Now it's your turn.

  • 8 Replies
1,044 posts

cool story bro!

but mine is like this...

One time, during a storm (tropical storm mind you...) I had a friend sleeping over. When we were playing hide-and-seek in the dark he hid in our guest room. but when he came out, he said he saw the door just randomly, slowly, closed... (I was little...)

1,666 posts

mine would be when i heard the WiiU is coming out.

sorry for being off-topic, but i couldnt think of it so i just joked instead.

107 posts

Last year hurricane Irene hit us, at 2 in the morning 1 tree fell in our garage n of course me dad freak out n it was pretty loud, so once we ,calmed down we tried to go back to sleep, 2 hours later 4 in the morning 2 trees on the house which we were in. To say this happened 5 years ago when hurricane Katrina hit. Who knew it happen again, u guess we have bad luck when hurricanes hit. Luckly no one was hurt.

96 posts

One time I was out riding an ATV when it started to rain very lightly. I thought it was nothing at first but 2 minutes later it started coming down hard. I drove back to the house by the fastest route possible which was a giant hill. While driving, the rain was hitting my face so hard that it felt like it was hailing. It also didn't help that I almost steered off the road twice and that I was being chased by several lightning bolts. Closest near death experience I ever had.

1,627 posts

i almost got hit by a car while on a bike...

787 posts

One day I was running home from school. It was raining very hard. My clothes were absolutely soaked already. I was running through a large parking lot which was empty, and about three-quarters of the way through a bolt of lighting struck a few metres from me. I jumped and ran faster. Afterwards, a ball of lightning appeared and zoomed through the parking lot from in front of me to behind. I didn't go outside for a while thereafter.

44 posts

**** my pants in class when i was 6, felt pretty ****ed

3,426 posts

Nearly hit a 4 year old girl on my bike. Oh god I was scared.

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