The videos on youtube won't help you because it just shows what you need to do not how to do it
How to do it? They show you how to do it. You just need to connect 1 and 2 together to make 7 and beat the game. Or just change the speed or something? Slow it down?
it just shows what you need to do not how to do it
Not only it's false statement (those vids don't tell you "go from A to B, they show you which path you should take), but it doesn't even make sense in general: if someone tells you to go from A to B using left path, he is telling you what to do (go from A to B) and how to do it (by choosing left path.
It's just a game of trial and error.
You couldn't be more wrong. It's just logical puzzle with admittedly big dexterity factor. Proper path can always be deducted using logical thinking.
it's really just a bit of skill, winging it, and luck. I've beaten it 3 or four times, but really all I can say is try to have a plan going into it, because otherwise you'll get stuck in a bad situation. Also, don't stop moving. It's almost never good unless you're in a designated "safe zone"