ForumsWEPRAnother shooting

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First a guy shoots people in a theater, and now this
My Question is are you americans losing it or what?

  • 39 Replies
1,303 posts

you seem to forget that we have a developing country right below us who ship in illegals, guns, and drugs. every day.

Could you give me a link to the source you got that from, because last time I checked, crimes in Denmark are very small compare to other countries.
16,287 posts

i'm in the US. i was using sarcasm the first time...

9,439 posts

boombs is an objects to, you dont see random person having them around legally.

Yes we do, especially in July. Anyway, a Molotov Cocktail is generally easier to make.

no, but you can blame the gun helping a person kill a bunch of people.

Should we blame kitchen knives in stabbings? How would sharp objects be regulated, considering how easy it is to make one? What of blunt objects/tools that are commonly used by thugs such as crowbars, sledgehammers, and bats?

what the point, if the damage is already done?

Mostly to prevent further damages.
98 posts

And what about prisons? There are a lot of bad people there, we should get rid of those. They make shivs there! Its a bad place to be! No prisons, no bad people right? It makes perfect sense....

Anyway, sorry for the sarcasm, but things are a bit different here then in Denmark, and I am assuming that that is where you live. We have a big problem with drug cartels sending in weapons and drugs, (as well as other things which I will not discuss here), through the Mexican border. It is really a bad problem, and is making things very dangerous in Arizona and New Mexico, as well as nearby states, which is one of the reasons that they were trying to help put up the wall, which has been going really slow. Why did they get in trouble about that btw? It just doesn't make sense...


4,220 posts

Citizen having guns = meanings violence

Got a source? One or two oddball rampages don't cut it. Why? Because of one fact: More than 160 criminals are killed during the commission of a serious felony every year by citizens possessing legally purchased weapons.

I'm going to point to one statistic very few people look at: Prior criminal records. Contrary to popular belief, most victims are not innocents. A super majority of victims are convicted felons, and in the inner cities (where most gun murders occur), this number gets even higher. The murderers? Over 90% of murderers have prior arrest records for felonies. Do you know what this means? In America, a violent felony arrest, and in most states a domestic violence arrest, makes it entirely illegal for that person to own or carry a firearm. So in more than 90% of cases, there is a 100% guarantee that the weapon used was already illegally obtained.

Guns aren't evil, it's the people that are. Of the people who commit weapons with firearms, most can't even legally own them. So tell me: What would making guns illegal in America do? Nothing, that's what. Well, except for spike the gun crime rate.

In Denmark it illegal to have guns, and gangs/drugs related things are very little if not at all.

I live in Houston, Texas. It's what's called a drug hub. Much of America's illegal drugs pass through the very city I live in, and the drug crimes and gang related violence are through the roof. I've had friends who have lost family members to that most vicious of trades, and have known several people personally who have been tortured or shot over it. This is just in the city I live in. In places like El Paso, Nogales, Los Angeles, and Albuquerque, the violence we suffer in Houston is almost nothing. I've lived my entire life in a border state, Arizona and Texas, and the violence affects everyone. Whether it's as simple as just being afraid to go some places, to having family members, and indeed ourselves, murdered for just a few hundred dollars.

And guess what? Almost none of those guns (in any at all) are legally possessed. Of the people I know that have concealed carry licenses, all of them have stopped at least one crime in the past six months against their person. In several of these cases, it was a violent act of aggression against them, or in attempt to seize their property.

So don't tell me that this doesn't happen in a country you've never been to, just because it doesn't happen in some Scandinavian paradise. Every day, people are murdered over the most petty of things. Every day, people are robbed. Guns are the great equalizer, and just as a criminal can use his illegally purchased and possessed weapon to kill an innocent, an innocent can just as easily use his legally purchased and possessed weapon to kill a criminal. There is very little overlap. Law-abiding citizens use lawful weapons, and criminals use illegal weapons. That's how it is.

Citizens having guns = ability for a small kid killing it own family and hes classmate.

Do you have any clue how uncommon that is? Apparently not, if you're using it as some stereotypical example.

you dont see random person having them around legally.

Tannurite. I know a guy with ten pounds of the stuff, legally possessed.

Last time I checked USA got a security that is immune to bombs threats.

Timmothy McVeigh killed more than 160 people in Oklahoma City in 1995. Bombs are great at killing people, and there is nowhere that is safe from them.
339 posts

Got a source? One or two oddball rampages don't cut it. Why? Because of one fact: More than 160 criminals are killed during the commission of a serious felony every year by citizens possessing legally purchased weapons.
I'm going to point to one statistic very few people look at: Prior criminal records. Contrary to popular belief, most victims are not innocents. A super majority of victims are convicted felons, and in the inner cities (where most gun murders occur), this number gets even higher. The murderers? Over 90% of murderers have prior arrest records for felonies. Do you know what this means? In America, a violent felony arrest, and in most states a domestic violence arrest, makes it entirely illegal for that person to own or carry a firearm. So in more than 90% of cases, there is a 100% guarantee that the weapon used was already illegally obtained.
Guns aren't evil, it's the people that are. Of the people who commit weapons with firearms, most can't even legally own them. So tell me: What would making guns illegal in America do? Nothing, that's what. Well, except for spike the gun crime rate.

i was going to wright a post but thanks to EnterOrion he said it better than i ever could, thanks fellow Patriot 'merica!
1,094 posts

Arrrgh despicable. You are calling your own SWAT officers hired thugs?

Which is exactly what any special response team in any country is. In eastern Europe, there was a trial (years ago, but still applicable today) against war criminals during the Balkan wars. There was this one specific criminal who was charged with either death or a whole lot of years, called Arkan. He worked for one of the branches of the secret police. He is a war criminal, but he worked for our government.
Just because a man works for the government doesn't mean he's a saint, especially if he or she kills for a paycheck.
98 posts

Which is exactly what any special response team in any country is. In eastern Europe, there was a trial (years ago, but still applicable today) against war criminals during the Balkan wars. There was this one specific criminal who was charged with either death or a whole lot of years, called Arkan. He worked for one of the branches of the secret police. He is a war criminal, but he worked for our government.
Just because a man works for the government doesn't mean he's a saint, especially if he or she kills for a paycheck.

You can't paint everything with the same brush, metaphorically speaking. There are SWAT team members that do there job because they want to help others. I know a couple. Saying that all SWAT are hired thugs is like saying all homeowners use drugs. Yes There are a couple, but the majority are not. (At least around where I live). Things will be different in different places. New York city is way different than Huston Texas.

EnterOrion, I am sorry that that is what you have to put up with such Chaos. I know it is really bad out there, its starting to get bad on the opposite border states, but not THAT bad.

Citizens having guns = ability for a small kid killing it own family and hes classmate

Which is one reason why you have gun-safes, teach kids that guns aren't toys, and also don't let them know the combination of the safe.

1,707 posts

My God you and MageGrayWolf are amazing in how you can argue so frivolously and redundantly. As someone has pointed out you should look at the statistics. Statistics show that gun crimes don't occur as much in other countries where guns are illegal. Fact. America should follow suit, but no, Americans are to ignorant, obnoxious and stubborn to do what is proven to be more effective.

Jesus Christ your country is going to hell, your economy is horrible and you Americans barely have any good point to your name you insist on carrying out on your failing ways.

Sorry for being prejudiced there.
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