ForumsThe TavernIsraeli Defense Force VS Waffen-SS

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197 posts

Obviously would never happen.
But I've always wondered, what would happen if you had these two forces which would obviously hate eachother very much go toe to toe?
And I mean just the soldiers themselves, no fancy nukes or rockets or jets that would obviously outmatch the WW2 era stuff.
But just infantry using the weapons they have and can kind and the training they received.
I personally think the Waffen-SS was much more highly trained and battle hardened than the IDF is

  • 9 Replies
332 posts

Umm the ss if im not correct has the mg42 (hitler's buzzsaw) that would do more damge than a mordern day machine gun except the minigun but the mg42 was devastating. plus the mp40 was one of the best smgs of the time. then you add in the stg greatest assault of the time. Kar98 was a better rifle than the springlefeild. honestly the germans were more advance than the world at the time. once the ak47 was introduced in 1947 the germans weaponary looked like WW1 stuff

1,666 posts

personaly, i think that would be a very interesting matchup. really, im going with waffen SS

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

The Waffen SS wasn't as highly trained overall as the IDF, given that many late units were slap dashed together and comprised of anyone who wanted to join. They had elite units, but the overall quality was lacking.

But either way, this is just playing parlor games with hindsight and history. Quite a -fill in appropriate adjective- question.

16,287 posts

yeah, the real elites were the Fallshirmjager, their Paratroopers. That would be a good match up, other than the fact that WWII tech is already dated....

197 posts

I'd have to go with the SS too, they were a much more aggressive force, and this "battle" would be without tanks or planes just these two forces fighting as people and the materials they can find.
I've never been completely impressed by the IDF they seem very ragtag and have a lot of experience in going into Palestinian towns and killing civilians and smashing houses (although the SS did that, they certainly had their fair share of real battle)

1,627 posts

I've never been completely impressed by the IDF they seem very ragtag and have a lot of experience in going into Palestinian towns and killing civilians and smashing houses (although the SS did that, they certainly had their fair share of real battle)

I'm not going to start another Israel/Palestine debate here, but calling the IDF "ragtag?" Tell that to Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and any other country that has gone up against Israel's army. They even kick butt when surprised on their holy day almost capturing the capital cities of Egypt and Syria...also, the Waffen-SS never did much man to man fighting, as the blitzkreig was based on tanks, bombings, and very fast motor vehicles.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I'm sorry but you're referring erroneously to the Waffen SS Zaky. The blitzkrieg forces early in the war were largely Wermacht soldiers. The Waffen SS only came into much more prominence later on in the ear and they did put up staunch resistance even as late as 1944 which us testimony to their fighting prowess.

Don't confuse history!

Also, wasnt most of the Six Day War and Yom Kippur Wars fought by tanks and planes too?

1,010 posts

The IDF has the corner shot series if I remember right.

1,773 posts

The waffen had zeales soliders. they were fearless and dangeruse, i wont denay it. my aunt "had the honor" {as she said [im not fully sure if in irony]} to be guarded by a unit of them in a death march to germany. but as she said, they were zealus, but barbarians. they didnt had a lot of order, or thats maybe because of the situation {at the very end}.

As for the IDF, there are allot of units there you know. maybe you talk about the more elit of them. i have friend in them. and belive me, they are beasts {in size, not mind. stuipeds people dont enter there}. only the people in the top of the top in body condition get there.
Also, i will take a guese that you mean in a "fist fight", as weponery is not realy fair.
the IDF use 'krav-maga-, a Martial Art which is very very effective.
While hte Waffen SS well, fight as they can. with brute force.

Another thing is, you sure know that as time goes, the athlits getting stronger and faster adn etc. while the waffen traned in a old styles ways, new train system were invented. so i can say that the IDF elites are in better shape then the waffen. not only the IDF train befor the army, so they will get "good grades" in the 'First decree', wher doctors, Psychiatrists and other proffetionals see what you can offer. so they start in a very good shape. and they go trough hell in the unit itself, training and training very hard. My friend, who was a bull, drop out because he didnt was able to keep on.
The waffen on the other hand, even as nichu said had some good units, was mostly a honor title to attract more people, like the muslim devision which was made by serbians muslims, mostly ex-prisoners.

I put my monney on {im not sure i can say spesific names, so ill call it} the IDF elites. Maybe even a gollani scout can be a quite challnge. {the scout units made of the better soliders from the devision}.

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