ForumsThe Taverncomputer viruses

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1,666 posts

i hate computer viruses like spyware, malware, tracking cookies, Blue screens, errors, failures, all of that stuff.

actually, i use antivirus, a service that warns you for all that stuff and you can run scans with it to help with the computer. since i have a windows XP, i need a little help with the fact that its like 5 years old.

has any of this happened to you? if so, post it here.

  • 10 Replies
4,170 posts

Blue Screens, errors, and failures aren't caused by viruses and antivirus won't fix them. Most of the time, it's due to programming errors. I helped build my own computer, so it's bound to have a handful of problems like these. Most of the time you can just Google the error message and a guide will come up. Just follow the guide and you have an error-free computer.

I've had a virus or two in my day. I've found restoring my computer to an earlier date helps the most. Deleting everything is just a headache and it solemn gets everything, so the virus usually survives.

15,595 posts

Got some ransomware once. Told me my computer had viruses and locked my computer, told me the only way to unlock it was to pay them. Instead I used my discs to restore to an earlier time. Since then I've been very cautious; downloaded a bunch of protection programs and run them once a week.

971 posts

My Desktop is a refurbish 7 year old piece of crap. It's composed of 1 working SATA port, dead integrated sound card, Partially corrupted Windows 7 data, and a very slow processor. What I would give to just have a virus on it instead of all the issues listed above.

My old desktop computer was 3 years old when the motherboard short circuited. Before this time I had probably factory restored the thing 4 times due to viruses. Wish people didn't use that computer.

1,714 posts

Since I got a decent computer and decent internet I've had few viruses. Most of the ones I got were because I wasn't careful and didn't have antivirus/antimalware.

Blue Screens, errors, and failures aren't caused by viruses and antivirus won't fix them.

Except they are. Viruses aren't the only cause, but they are a common one. Though its true an antivirus/antimalware won't repair damage done to a computer.

Most of the time, it's due to programming errors. I helped build my own computer, so it's bound to have a handful of problems like these.

Well, not really. Commercial software that causes common problems for the OS isn't sold, or is fixed really fast. And building your own computer is hardware, not software, and cannot cause these problems unless you manage to damage the parts.

Just follow the guide and you have an error-free computer.

Has never and will never happen.

I've had a virus or two in my day. I've found restoring my computer to an earlier date helps the most. Deleting everything is just a headache and it solemn gets everything, so the virus usually survives.

In most cases an antivirus/antimalware is more effective. The only time you should need to restore to an earlier date is if major damage is done.
1,044 posts

This is what my dad did one time: he found the file it was in (it was named like E7FgH4v... So it was pretty obvious.) and then we renamed it XXX. now it's trapped in the magical interwebs and can't do any harm.

767 posts

i hate computer viruses like spyware, malware, tracking cookies, Blue screens, errors, failures, all of that stuff.

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.
Stephen Hawking

And building your own computer is hardware, not software, and cannot cause these problems unless you manage to damage the parts.

Hehe, or put them in the wrong place...but I possibly can't see how someone could do that. Maybe use the wrong ram accidentally? But Salvidian meant they could make programming errors not viruses.
I helped build my own computer, so it's bound to have a handful of problems like these.

Where does one get a custom/barebones desktop case/chassis/case? I need one cheap, but good quality.
72 posts

Never had a computer virus in the last 471 days and counting. Don't ask me how.

100 posts

If you want to have a good working computer i have a few tips that may help:
-you should have at least 3 local disks because this would make your computer to run a bit faster and if one local disk is too virused and you need to format it you won't erase all that you have;
-if your computer runs slowly that it ran some months ago or even more you can try formating the OS local disk.(this won't erase your games, music ,films etc. as long as they aren't in the OS local disk)this would erase any hiiden virus and reinstall any dameged OS files;
-always use an anti-virus/anti-malware

-Alexandrica the archer-

66 posts

spyware, malware, tracking cookies, Blue screens, errors, failures, all of that stuff.

ti propongo un programma antivirus a 5 stelle. Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2012 (link: [url=]). Io, un giorno, ho visto che ha catturato 18 minacce web!
Io l'ho anche messo alla prova scaricando un programma con virus, ma mentre lo scaricavo trovò subito il virus senza premere niente!

66 posts

spyware, malware, tracking cookies, Blue screens, errors, failures, all of that stuff.

I propose an antivirus program to 5 stars. Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2012 (link: I, one day, I saw that has captured 18 web threats!I have also put to the test by downloading a virus program, but while the download found the virus without pressing anything!

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